• Pakistan promises to help China combat terrorism

    On Monday Pakistani president Asif Ali Zardari pledged his country’s full support in helping China combat terrorism by rooting out Uighur insurgents hiding in its territory; Zardari’s remarks come after a meeting with Chinese state councilor Meng Jianzhu; Zardari promised to bring the two country’s bilateral relations to a new level citing strong support for each other on major international and regional issues; Meng echoed Zardari’s comments and said that the country has always viewed its relationship with Pakistan as one of its diplomatic priorities

  • India tells Pakistan to get "serious" on dismantling terror training camps

    India’s external affairs minister S. M. Krishna said Pakistan can no longer take a “selective approach” to fighting terrorism and hoped that it will get “serious” in dismantling the terrorist training camps on its soil; “I am sure they (Pakistan) will realize and they have, by now they should have (realized) that terrorism cannot be fought selectively,” Krishna said; he added, “I hope Pakistan gets serious about dismantling all the terror training camps which are existing in the country….We expect that Pakistan will live up to their pronouncements”

  • Belief that others can change could bring peace

    Psychologists find that members of groups engaged in conflict are more willing to compromise if they believe people are capable of changing; when researchers presented Israelis and Palestinians with evidence that groups of people are capable of change, the information increased the subjects’ willingness to compromise on key political issues

  • Counter piracy security expert: "The system is broken"

    Piracy off the Horn of Africa has continued to flourish despite the concerted efforts of the world’s navies; a security expert said, “The system is broken here” and called the international counter piracy task force “one of the most expensive catch and release programs” ever; last year the task force spent more than $2 billion responding to sixty-four incidents, or roughly $30 million per incident

  • U.S. and Belgium to share biometric data

    Under a recently signed agreement, the United States and Belgium will begin sharing biometric data in an effort to combat international crime

  • U.S. looks to keep Libyan WMD scientists away from terrorists

    With Libyan rebels consolidating their hold over the country, the United States is looking to restart a State Department program designed to keep top Libyan biological and nuclear scientists from working for terrorist organizations or hostile nations; Libya’s new leaders have expressed their interest in working with the United States to keep track of Libyan WMD scientists and on other counter-proliferation programs, but the interim government has yet formally to respond to U.S. requests

  • U.S. - Australia announce cyber defense treaty

    Last week, the United States and Australia announced a mutual defense treaty that declared a cyberattack on one would result in retaliation by both nations; this new agreement appears to be the first instance of a mutual defense treaty in the cyber realm outside of NATO

  • Libyan rebels attack last Gaddafi strongholds

    Anti-Gaddafi rebels have begun what they call an “all-out attack” on Moammar Gaddafi’s hometown of Sirte meeting with fierce resistance; at the same time, rebels have mounted an offensive against Bani Walid, where their advance has been stalled; in the deep southern desert, rebels have captured and air force base and two nearby towns

  • Emergency cleanup plans for potential Cuban oil spill

    With Cuba set to begin offshore drilling, the former head of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is pressing the United States to immediately begin developing emergency plans to assist Cuba in the event of a major oil spill

  • Mexican border agents cross into U.S. again without permission

    A national watchdog group warns that incursions along the southern border by the Mexican government could be a serious potential security threat

  • WikiLeaks hit by cyberattack

    On Tuesday night, the whistle-blower site WikiLeaks suffered from a cyberattack that crashed its homepage; the attack comes shortly after the group released nearly 134,000 additional State Department cables

  • U.S. makes nuclear fuel available to other countries

    The United States announced the availability of a reserve stockpile of low-enriched uranium (LEU) for use in nuclear fuel; the LEU is derived from down-blended surplus military material; the LEU will be made available to countries interested in nuclear power generation, thus making it unnecessary for these countries to develop their own uranium-enrichment technology

  • Mexican trucks cited for 1 million violations since 2007

    Trucks transport roughly $275 billion worth of goods — or 70 percent of the total — that pass between the United States and Mexico annually; the trucks from Mexico, however, often fail to meet U.S. safety standards

  • U.S., Canada to share hazard risk assessment software tool

    Hazus, or “Hazards U.S.” is a risk assessment software tool for emergency management professionals that combines science, engineering, and geospatial information technology to estimate potential loss of life and property damage from disasters and natural hazards; FEMA is using it and now Canada will, too

  • DHS cracks down on sham universities

    DHS officials are cracking down on sham universities that make millions of dollars by preying on foreign students, especially those from India, with promises of student visas; in January, officials shut down Tri-Valley University in California on suspicion of visa fraud, mail fraud, wire fraud, and money laundering; officials believe that the university made millions of dollars by giving foreign nationals illegally obtained student visas