HSNW is delivered to over 200,000 homeland security professionals throughout government and industry worldwide every day (272,403 email subscribers as of January 23, 2017). Our readers are influential — government officials, corporate executives, purchasing officers, venture capital and private equity firm analysts, and more:

  • Federal, state, local elected officials, and their staffs who make policy and fund, regulate and, monitor programs.
  • Federal agency workers from Defense, Homeland Security, Justice, Treasury, Transportation, Customs, Energy, Agriculture, and others who implement programs along with their state and local counterparts.
  • First response and law enforcement personnel in the military, police, and fire departments who defend, protect, and assist.
  • Critical infrastructure experts with airports, seaports, railroads, transit systems, utilities, engineering firms, and contractors who build, transport, and power nations and commerce.
  • Corporate executives of original equipment manufacturers, value added resellers, and system integrators and their project managers, researchers, developers, consultants, and trainers who together conduct the industry’s business.
  • Investment managers, equity research analysts, attorneys, journalists, educators, and others who study, follow, and bring perspective to the industry.