Chemical detector from Bruker Daltonics receives SAFETY Act certification
Leading manufacturer of nuclear, biological, and chemical detection system receives coveted DHS certification
DHS has granted the RAID-M from Billerica, Massachusetts-based Bruker Daltonics NBC Detection Corp., an operating company of Bruker BioSciences Corporation (NASDAQ: BRKR), certification as an approved product under the Support Anti-terrorism by Fostering Effective Technologies Act of 2002 (the SAFETY Act). The RAID-M received both designation as a qualified anti-terrorism technology and certification as an approved product for homeland security. The designation and certifications are given after a rigorous examination of the devices under testing. Frank Thibodeau, vice president at Bruker said that the designation and certification are “more evidence that the RAID-M is considered by many to be the best handheld chemical detector in the world today,” and that both lend “even more credibility and confidence in the RAID-M as the premier chemical and toxic industrial detector on the market.” Leaders of other chemical detectors manufacturers may want to challenge these two assertions, but the good thing for Bruker is that under the Safety Act, the detector’s customers and suppliers will enjoy significant product liability protections.
-read more at company Web site; and see product specifications at company Web site
* For list of products which have received the SAFETY Act certification see DHS Web site
* For a list of products which have received designation as effective anti-terror products see this DHS Web page
* For more on the SAFETY Act, see this DHS Web page