DoD seeks new radiation detecting robot

Published 23 March 2007

Sources sought” details the agency’s next generation UGV; winning drone will demonstrate endurance and flexibility

Are you in the radiation detection game? If so, you may want respond to a recently released “sources sought” notice from the Department of Defense’s Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA). According the notice, DTRA is considering building a next generation unmanned ground vehicle (UGV) to assist in post-dirty bomb clean-ups. As such, the prospective UGV has a number of requirements, including the abilities to operate in all weather and on all terrains,

remote operation and control up to ten miles away, 24-hour endurance, speed of at least 30 kph, a manipulator arm with at least five degrees of freedom, and the capability of transporting debris samples weighing up to two kilograms. Interested readers have until 13 April 2007 to file a response.