Airport securityEmployees in only three U.S. airports subject to security checks
Only three airports in the United States — Atlanta, Miami, and Orlando — require employees to be subjected to security checks before going about their work at the airport. The disclosure was made by TSA administrator Peter Neffenger in a Congressional testimony.
Only three airports in the United States — Atlanta, Miami, and Orlando — require employees to be subjected to security checks before going about their work at the airport, Judicial Watch reported on Thursday. The disclosure was made by TSA administrator Peter Neffenger in a Congressional testimony.
On Wednesday, Neffenger told the Senate Commerce Committee that the United States should take steps to bolster safety of surface transportation in the wake of the terrorist attacks inEurope.
Neffenger also admitted that only the Atlanta, Miami, and Orlando airports require employees to undergo security checks before work.
Government records obtained last month by media outlets under the Freedom of Information Act revealed that 73 employees in nearly 40 airports were reported in a June 2015 government report as having ties to terrorism.
The employees were allowed to work because the TSA did not have access to the terror databases during the vetting process, according to media reports.