EarthquakesShakeOut 2021: Earthquake Awareness Helps Community Preparedness
Nearly half of Americans are exposed to potentially damaging earthquakes where they work and live. Still others will be at risk when traveling. It’s a good idea for everyone, everywhere to know how to protect themselves during an earthquake.
Nearly half of Americans are exposed to potentially damaging earthquakes where they work and live. Still others will be at risk when traveling. It’s a good idea for everyone, everywhere to know how to protect themselves during an earthquake.
Be prepared and join millions of people participating in Great ShakeOut Earthquake Drills worldwide October 21st. During the drill, participants practice “Drop! Cover! and Hold On!” and other recommended safety actions to take during an earthquake. There are even resources for people with disabilities available at the Earthquake Country Alliance Accessibility site.
Earthquake hazard map showing peak ground accelerations having a 2 percent probability of being exceeded in 50 years, for a firm rock site. The map is based on the most recent USGS models for the conterminous U.S.(2018), Hawaii (1998), and Alaska (2007). The models are based on seismicity and fault-slip rates, and take into account the frequency of earthquakes of various magnitudes. Locally, the hazard may be greater than shown, because site geology may amplify ground motions.
(Public domain.)
Shake It Like It’s Real
Mark your calendar and register to participate so that you know how to protect yourself, those you love and your community. Families, schools, businesses and organizations can all sign up and get involved. There are many ways to participate, and a variety of resources and tips are provided online. This includes pre-made flyers, drill broadcast recordings, drill manuals and more.
ShakeOut Participation During the COVID-19 Pandemic
As with almost every facet of our daily lives during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, preparing for natural hazards has taken on an additional element when it comes to staying safe while conducting drills to ensure earthquake preparedness.
Despite the ongoing challenges presented by the pandemic, global events are still being planned and executed, and ShakeOut has provided COVID-19 information for these unprecedented circumstances. Everyone who is participating should review the tips with their family and coworkers to make sure the greatest level of care is taken to prevent spreading the COVID-19 virus while also preparing to stay safe during an earthquake.