Identica Holdings Corporation

are equipped with Identica’s Weather Shield heated outdoor enclosures which support operation in all weather conditions, as well as free-standing pedestals where secure wall mounting is not possible. The VP-II scanners also use Antimicrobial Silver Treatment, which the company says kills 99.9 percent of germs. The VP-II scanners have been also used for more than two years by the Incheon International Airport in South Korea for access control for more than 30,000 users by airport personnel.

Terry Wheeler, Identica’s president, said that “Biometrics is seeing rapid adoption in ports and other government operations worldwide as an accurate, reliable and cost-saving way to offer superior security and employee access control. Identica’s hand vascular solutions solve the issues that port workers have with other biometric methods.” This last statement, and Identica’s Port of Halifax contract more generally, are important in light of DHS’s TWIC program, which aims to have more than one million U.S. port employees, and those who need access to ports such as truckers, equipped with a biometric ID. DHS chose fingerprint as TWIC’s biometric methodology, but reports from the field indicate that there is a problem here: Port employees and truckers dirty their hands in the course of work, and dirty, oily fingers increase the inaccuracy of fingerprinting.

A few weeks ago Identica Corp. USA appointed Ayal Vogel as executive vice president of Global Sales. With more than fifteen years of experience, Vogel is responsible for developing strategic client relationships and driving global sales operations.

Comparing biometric technologies

IBG also offers this break-down of biometric technologies and their likely applications:



Horizontal Applications

Key Vertical Markets



Access control/attendance


Face recognition


Civil ID

Travel and transportation

Hand geometry


Consumer ID

Financial sector

Middleware / identity management


Criminal ID

Health care

Iris recognition


Device/system access

Law enforcement

Voice recognition


State and municipal government


Vein recognition


Access Control/attendance

Other national government

Multiple biometric



Gaming and hospitality




High-tech and telecom; industrial manufacturing; retail


The National Center for State Courts (NCSC) rated different biometric technologies and their features:

Comparing biometric technologies



Whether or not the biometric is capable of verification. Verification is the process in which an input is compared to specific data previously recorded from the user to see whether the user is who he claims to be



Whether or not the biometric is capable of identification. Identification is the process in which an input is compared to a large data set previously recorded from many people to see which person the user is



How well the biometric is able to tell individuals apart. This is partially determined by the amount of information gathered as well as the number of possible different data results



How dependable is the biometric for recognition purposes


Error rate

This is calculated as the crossing point of graphs of false positives and false negatives created using this biometric



Typical causes of errors for this biometric


False pos.

How easy it is to create a false positive reading with this biometric (someone is able to impersonate someone else)


False neg.

How easy it is to create a false negative reading with this biometric (someone is able to avoid being identified as oneself)


Security level

The highest level of security at which this biometric is capable of working


Long-term stability

How well this biometric continues to work without data updates over long periods of time


User acceptance


How willing is the public to use this biometric


How much the biometric is considered to invade one’s privacy or require interaction by the user


Ease of use

How easy this biometric is for both the user and the personnel involved


Low cost

Whether or not there is a low-cost option for this biometric to be used



Type and cost of hardware required to use this biometric



Whether or not standards exist for this biometric

Source: National Center for State Courts