New guide to $12 billion federal homeland security R&D funds
So you have a great homeland security idea but need money to fund the R&D? You may want to have this new report on your desk (although it will cost you a pretty penny to get it)
Have an innovative idea about a new explosive detection technology, or a new radiation therapy, but you need R&D funding? Dublin-based Research and Markets has just published a report you may find helpful: “2006-2010 U.S. Homeland Security Technologies R&D — Programs and Funding Opportunities,” volume 1. The report details homeland security technologies R&D funding opportunities from nearly twenty U.S. federal government agencies from 2006 to 2010. It offers a useful roadmap to hundreds of different programs and projects which, over the next five years, will amount to a cumulative $12 billion for industry and academia. Research and Markets calculates that more than 81 percent of this homeland security funding will be awarded by agencies other than DHS.
The report costs “4,227.00 ($5,114.03), so you may want to look for another report, dealing with funds available to companies to buy reports about available funds.
-read more about the report at R&M We site