New Israeli satellite sends first pictures to earth

Published 5 February 2008

Two weeks ago, Israel launched a sophisticated new spy satellite into space as part of beefing up the country’s security against the growing Iranian threat; satellite sends first photos to earth

First photographs from Israel’s TecSAR satellite, launched into space two weeks ago by Indian space agency ISRO (see HSDW, 23 January 2008) was received by Israeli ground stations for the first time a week ago. TecSAR manufacturer, Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI), reported that the satellite, which is Israel’s most advanced, was working perfectly. The IAI added that satellite’s first photos, including a topographical picture of the Latrun memorial monument, were transmitted with a very high quality. The Latrun monument serves as a memorial site of the Israeli Armored Corps.

Yitzhak Nitzan, head of IAI, said the satellite’s capabilities were a huge technological achievement. According to Nitzan, the IAI had begun the TecSAR project with little knowledge and considerable financial constraints, but had managed to achieve perfect results. Israeli defense establishment officials have stated earlier that the TecSAR is Israel’s best satellite to date. It was sent into orbit from the Sriharikota Launching Range in India on the back of an Indian rocket, the Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle (PSLV). The TecSAR uses radar to identify targets under all weather conditions, including dense clouds. The radar sets it apart from other Israeli reconnaissance satellites, such as those from the Ofek series, which rely on cameras. It’s sophisticated systems can spot an object the size of a license plate or “even smaller,” according to Israeli security officials.