• Syria

    Major world powers have agreed to a deal which would end hostilities in Syria and allow for the delivery of humanitarian aid to civilians. Secretary of State John Kerry and Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, meeting in Munich, early Friday announced the agreement, calling for a broader ceasefire. The agreement raises hopes that a diplomatic breakthrough may be possible.

  • Terrorism

    French police found no DNA traces of Salah Abdeslam, the fugitive terror suspect who helped mastermind the 13 November Paris attacks, on a suicide belt they thought he discarded in Paris. Another unidentified DNA found on two vests could be that of the bomb maker.

  • Syria

    The loss of lives due to the war remains the most catastrophic direct impact of the ongoing crisis in Syria: 11.5 percent of the population inside Syria was killed or injured due to the war. The war has destroyed Syria in other respects as well: the accumulated total economic loss during the 2011-2015 is estimated at $254.7 billion, which is equivalent to 468 percent of the Syrian GDP of 2010. By the end of 2015, about 45 percent of the population was displaced as they were forced from their homes in search for safer places to live, or better living conditions elsewhere. Some 6.36 million people from this population-in-movement continue to live in Syria as internally displaced persons (IDPs), with many being displaced several times.

  • Middle East

    Israeli politicians who oppose the creation of an independent Palestinian state have found a new argument to support their position: The fact the Arabic does not have the letter “P.” Linguists and Middle East scholars expressed surprise at this line of argument, noting that in Arabic, the name of the people – and their country – begin with the letter “F,” not “P.” In Arabic, “Palestine” is pronounced “Falastin.”

  • Terrorism

    A judge has freed two Spanish puppeteers who were jailed Saturday for glorifying terrorism after they staged a violent puppet show which made references to Basque militant group ETA. ETA has killed more than 800 people since it launched its campaign in the early 1980s to establish a Basque state in northern Spain and southern France.

  • Encryption

    U.S. law enforcement agencies have been unable to access a telephone used by the two Islamist attackers in the San Bernardino shooting, FBI director James Comey said Tuesday. Comey stressed that the post-Snowden end-to-end encryption some technology companies are now offering their customers make it impossible for law enforcement to learn more about terrorists and criminal networks, even after terrorist or criminal acts have been committed and even if a court has approved access to the information.

  • ISIS

    Chechen leader Ramzan Kadyrov said that Chechen Special Forces loyal to Vladimir Putin are on the ground in Syria, operating in ISIS-controlled territory. He claimed that the operation is part of a Russian-led intelligence-gathering mission. The Kremlin refused to confirm or deny Kadyrov’s claims, but the fact that Kadyrov, a self-described “foot soldier for Putin,” made them offers evidence of disagreements in Russia over the Syria strategy and suggests Kadyrov is seeking a greater role for Chechnya in regional affairs.

  • Syria

    In a report issued earlier today (Monday), the UN Human Rights Council has accused the regime of President Bashar al-Assad of actions which amount to “extermination.” “The government has committed the crimes against humanity of extermination, murder, rape or other forms of sexual violence, torture, imprisonment, enforced disappearance, and other inhuman acts,” the UN report says. “Based on the same conduct, war crimes have also been committed.”

  • Ireland

    Irish security sources have expressed their doubts over a claim by the Continuity IRA that it had carried out the attack on a boxing weigh-in at a Dublin hotel on Friday. Gang member David Byrne was shot dead and two others were injured in the carefully planned attack at the Regency hotel. The attack was carried out by six gunmen, one dressed as a woman.

  • ISIS

    A U.S. intelligence report, cited yesterday by a White House spokesman, says that the number of ISIS fighters in Syria and Iraq has fallen from about 31,000 to 25,000. Senior U.S. officials point to battlefield casualties and desertions as the main reasons for the roughly 20 percent decline, adding that the intelligence report offers evidence that the U.S.-led campaign, which relies mostly on air attacks on ISIS targets, was working.

  • Super Bowl

    U.S. Air Force planes will be protecting the skies over the Super Bowl this weekend. Civil Air Patrol National Commander Maj. Gen. Joe Vazquez said F-15 Eagles from the Air National Guard will be on the ready to escort any unidentified aircraft from the area.

  • ISIS

    Saudi Arabia said it was ready to send ground troops to Syria to fight ISIS. Saudi sources added that thousands of Saudi Special Forces could be deployed, probably in coordination with Turkey. Saudi gains in the war against pro-Iranian rebels in Yemen have freed Saudi resources to be directed to Syria, and the fact that Russia and the Assad regime focus their military effort on fighting the moderate rebels means that these rebels need more outside help to withstand the pressure both from ISIS and the Syrian regime and its allies.

  • Terrorism

    Two Israeli teenagers were sentenced to long jail terms for kidnapped the Palestinian teenager Mohammed Abu Khdeir in 2014, and burning him to death. The older of the two, aged 17, was sentenced to life in prison, while the other teenager, a 16-year old, was sentenced to twenty-one years. The 16-year-old Abu Khdeir was grabbed off the street and beaten. He was then taken to a forest outside Jerusalem, and was set afire while he was still alive.

  • Muslims in Europe

    OFCOM, the U.K. communication regulator, said it was considering more than thirty complaints about a political broadcast by UKIP, the Euro-skeptic, anti-immigration populist party. OFCOM said that UKIP’s Wednesday night broadcast on ITV and the BBC may have crossed the line in giving racial offense, promoting Islamophobia, and engendering bias toward Turkey.

  • Terrorism

    Osama bin Laden planned the 9/11 terrorist attacks after being “inspired” by a chance discussion about a plane crash into the Atlantic Ocean. An al-Qaeda publication claims that bin-Lade, discussing EgyptAir Flight 990 — which crashed into the Atlantic Ocean during its journey from Los Angeles to Cairo, killing all 217 people on board – asked: “Why didn’t he crash it into a building?”

  • Radicalization

    David Anderson QC, the independent reviewer of the U.K.. terrorism laws, said that the government’s flagship anti-radicalization program, Prevent, should be reviewed because it is sowing mistrust and fear in the Muslim community. Anderson said that the program, particularly its requirement that schools spot and report signs of radicalization in students, has become a “significant source of grievance” among British Muslims, encouraging “mistrust to spread and to fester.”

  • Syria

    Philip Hammond, Britain’s foreign minister, has said that Russia’s real goal in Syria was to carve out an Alawite mini-state in Syria for its ally President Bashar al-Assad. Hammond said this was the reason why Russia’s massive bombing raids have targeted the Syrian opposition forces instead of fighting ISIS. Hammond’s comments offered a rare insight into the Western assessment of the Kremlin’s objectives for Syria.

  • Muslims

    Duke sociologist Christopher Bail, who studies how anti-Muslim organizations use social media, says that calls to ban immigration of Muslims to the United States are missing two important points. First, there is no conceivable mechanism whereby the United States could identify Muslims — short of visual cues such as headdress or religious garb, which are not worn by most Muslims. Second, and perhaps more importantly, it is surprising that people think that groups such as ISIS could not disguise terrorists they want to send to the United States as non-Muslims.

  • Terrorism

    The U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) yesterday announced what the agency described as a “significant enforcement activity,” including arrests targeting Lebanese Hezbollah’s External Security Organization Business Affairs Component (BAC), which is involved in international criminal activities such as drug trafficking and drug proceeds money laundering. These proceeds are used to purchase weapons for Hezbollah for its activities in Syria.

  • Countering extremism

    The Brennan Center for Justice at NYU School of Law last week sued DHS and the Department of Justice under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) for records pertaining to an inter-agency initiative known as “Countering Violent Extremism” (CVE). The CVE initiative is designed to identify and preempt Americans from becoming involved in “violent extremism” and is being implemented in Muslim communities in several parts of the country, including the three formally designated pilot cities of Los Angeles, Boston, and Minneapolis-St. Paul.