Lip-reading computers can detect different languages
Researchers develop lip-reading computer that can distinguish among different languages; discovery could have practical uses for deaf people, for law enforcement agencies, for military units serving in foreign lands, and in noisy environments
Robots closing in on humans
Last week’s Robo Business 2009 conference in Boston showed what we sensed already: robots are narrowing the gap between themselves and humans
No dog left behind: DARPA seeks dog-training machines
Impatient with old-fashioned dog trainers and their archaic techniques of squeaky toys and personal affection, DARPA solicits ideas for machines which would “automates the training of complex behaviors in animals without human intervention”; the training machines should also be able to collect performance metrics that will “indicate” a dog’s “intelligence, capability, and progress”
NIST offers five encryption tips
There are many encryption algorithms, techniques, and products — and many user devices and threats against them; NIST offers five encryption tips
DARPA seeks deep-learning AI to cope with flood of information
The growing use of UAVs to loiter over enemy territory and send images and streaming videos back to HQ has created a glut of information; DARPA seeks a better, deeper, and more layered artificial intelligence to help the intelligence community cope with the avalanche of information coming in
Watching the watchers: new solution monitors CCTV operators
People watching CCTV images back in the control rooms often have too many screens to monitor at once, and as a result may miss the criminal or antisocial activities they are there to spot; a new solution monitor the monitors
Germany is target of sustained cyberattacks from China
The German government is constantly the target of hackers seeking to insert spy programs into its computer systems; the attacks are becoming more and more sophisticated
Cisco acquires Tidal Software for $105 million
Cisco buys Palo Alto-based Tidal Software to enhance the next-generation data centers it is building; Cisco is also planning on challenging IBM and Hewlett-Packard by building servers
Canada focused on new cybersecurity strategy
Ottawa is developing a new cybersecurity strategy in light of repeated incursions into the country’s key computer networks
Texas electrical grid's operator says he is on watch for hackers
Bob Kahn, CEO of the Electric Reliability Council of Texas: “We are constantly modifying and upgrading our protections as technology advances, business requirements change and new threats emerge”
Manipulating Google searches as counter-terrorism tool
The U.K. government will train pro-West Islamic groups to game Google searches in order to fight the influence of radicals; search engine optimization techniques will make moderate Islamic groups come up first in Google searches
CSIRO to lead effort to standardize sensor network information sharing
Sensors, and sensor networks, are the wave of the future (the wave is already here, in fact) in allowing remote monitoring of everything from machinery to buildings’ temperature to perimeter fences to water quality to patients’ health and much, much more; Aussie research organization now leads the effort to develop standards for sharing information collected by sensors and sensor networks over the Internet
Mathematician foresees tight races in MLB's Eastern divisions
The baseball season is about the begin, and a professor of mathematics has developed an intricate model to predict the winners of the American and National leagues; his model computes the probability of a team winning a game against another team with given hitters, bench, starting pitcher, relievers, and home field advantage
Mathematicians provide new insight into tsunamis
The number and height of the tsunami waves hitting the shoreline depends critically on the shape of the initial surface wave in deep water; from this it is possible to work out whether a “trough” or a “peak” is the leading wave
Robot controlled by human thoughts
Japanese researchers develop a robot that can be given commands by human thoughts; a helmet equipped with near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) sensors which measure the changes in cerebral blood flow associated with specific thoughts — and transmits the information to the robot