Los Angeles port looks for better identification of employees
More than 43 percent of all cargo arriving in the United States by sea arrives through the Los Angeles/Long Beach ports, and port security managers want to make sure they know who their employees are
Aussies support national ID system
Aussies tend to be independent sorts, but they now support a mandatory biometric national ID card
How to apply for port security grants
So you run a port and want to apply for a DHS port security grant; here is how
Metrics: Money allocated to security grows
Motivational speakers accentuate the positive, but fear is also a great motivator — just see what countries and companies are planning to spend on defense this year
BAE in homeland security deal in India
Homeland security is a major preoccupation in India, and BAE signs large contract to update that country’s border and maritime surveillance
Ambitious border protection project unveiled
DHA launches ambitious project to gain control over U.S. borders; this has been tried before, but the scope of this program may promise results