• OMB reports on 2010 cybersecurity attacks

    A new report on U.S. government cybersecurity says that in 2010 there were 41,776 reported cyber incidents of malicious intent in the federal network in 2010 out of a total 107,439 reported to the United States Computer Emergency Readiness Team;the number represented a 39 percent increase over 2009, when 30,000 incidents were reported by the feds of 108,710 attacks overall

  • DHS struggles with IT hiring

    DHS has actively sought to recruit more employees with critical cyber security skills, but has struggled with internal obstacles that have slowed hiring; in 2010 DHS set a goal of hiring 1,000 employees with cyber security skills in three years, but so far has only managed to hire roughly 200 in 2010 and it plans to hire 100 this year; the new employees will focus on network and systems engineering, incident response, and risk and strategic analysis; obstacles to hiring include lengthy security clearance processing times, noncompetitive pay, and an outdated job classification system

  • Northrop awarded $1.1 billion DHS contract

    Northrop Grumman Corp. recently announced that it was awarded a government contract worth up to $1.1 billion to “operate, maintain, and enhance” classified networks for DHS; Northrop will build and maintain a classified network that will transmit data, voice, and video to over 15,000 users; the system is designed using a proprietary cloud-based computing model that can be accessed remotely

  • Cyber security firm victim of cyber attacks, Pentagon networks potentially compromised

    RSA, a major cyber security firm that helps defend the Pentagon’s networks as well as thousands of others around the world, has been the subject of a cyber attack; valuable information was stolen that could comprise the Department of Defense’s networks as well as Lockheed Martin’s; the attack has been identified as an advanced persistent threat; hackers stole information related to the company’s SecurID two factor authentication products; RSA’s SecureID customers include major banks, healthcare providers, and even state governments; RSA has been working with the U.S. government to secure networks against any potential security breaches

  • U.K. gives cyber agency enhanced role in critical infrastructure protection

    The U.K government is set to expand the role of the Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ) in protecting the critical national infrastructure (CNI) from cyber attack by giving it greater powers to collaborate with the relevant private sector bodies to monitor and deflect potential threats

  • Law enforcement, and domain name registrars discuss ways to tackle net crooks

    Police and other law enforcement agencies in the United States and the United Kingdom are increasingly turning their attention to domain names as an Internet choke-point that can be used to shut down Web sites selling counterfeit goods and enabling the trading of pirated movies and child pornography

  • U.K. rethinking cyber security

    U.K. cyber crime could cost more than 27 billion Pounds a year; the estimate of 21 billion Pounds to businesses, 2.2 billion Pounds to government, and 3.1 billion Pounds to citizens may be an under-estimation due to a possible lack of reporting for fear of reputational damage; the hardest-hit sectors being pharmaceuticals, biotech, electronics, IT, and chemicals

  • DHS requesting boost in cybersecurity funds

    Government, industry, and academia have labeled the shortage of cyber specialists in the government as a national security problem; the United States is looking to hire 30,000 security experts to safeguard cyberspace as opposed to the 1,000 personnel currently staffed government wide; DHS has requested $936 million in funding for FY 2012 to grow the federal cybersecurity workforce and enhance network protections

  • Cyberweapon could cause Internet doomsday

    Researchers show that an attack by a large botnet — a network of computers infected with software that allows them to be externally controlled — could take down the Internet; the researchers reckon that 250,000 such machines would be enough to do the job; a sustained 20-minute attack by the 250,000-strong army — they will be sending waves of border gateway protocol (BGP) updates to every router in the world — would overwhelm the net, bringing Web servers down by overloading them with traffic

  • Hoover Dam is safe from hackers

    In response to the debate over the controversial Senate Internet “kill switch” bill, the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation refuted a central argument that the law’s proponents have been using; proponents of the bill have often stated the need for the bill because terrorists could hack into the system and open the Hoover Dam’s floodgates; the dam is not connected to the Internet and has several physical and technological safeguards that prevent the floodgates from opening; the proposed bill would authorize the president to sever critical infrastructure from the Internet in the event of a cyber attack; critics say the bill could violate First Amendment rights

  • Cybersecurity named one of top five global threats

    World leaders at the World Economic Forum in Davos named cyber security as one of the top five global risks in its 2011 report; the report identifies four key areas that pose global risks: cyber theft, cyber espionage, cyber war, and cyber terrorism; observers worry that the Stuxnet virus, which damaged Iran’s nuclear centrifuges, may have sparked a cyber arms race and are particularly concerned about the lack of established international norms surrounding these weapons; the report fears that cyber attacks on nations could lead to conventional attacks

  • Internet IPv4 addresses completely exhausted

    Last week the final blocks of IPv4 addresses were allocated, officially signaling the end of Web space on IPv4 networks; the moment is significant as all new Internet ready devices must now be deployed using IPv6 networks, the upgrade to IPv4; IPv6 offers greater security, higher performance, and can support nearly an infinite number of devices; China is rapidly pushing ahead with IPv6 in the hopes that it can wield more clout over the new Internet space as the United States currently enjoys with IPv4; China has deployed IPv6 capabilities at more than double the rate of the United States

  • DARPA working on major cyber security break through

    The DOD’s advanced research arm, DARPA, is currently working on two programs that could radically change cyber security; one program, CRASH, is based on the human immune system and will make it less likely that computers will spread cyber infections to other networks; DAPRA is also working on another program, PROCEED, which will allow programmers to work directly with encrypted data without having to decrypt it first; both are highly experimental and may not succeed, but researchers have high hopes

  • Critical cyber vulnerabilities found in financial system

    A recent report found critical weaknesses in automated high-frequency trading systems that hackers could exploit to make money or simply wreak havoc on the financial system; cPacket Networks fears that hackers could use what it calls a “side channel attack” stealthily to manipulate financial data as it is received by these high-frequency trading program; many analysts believe that the “flash crash” in May 2010, when the Dow dropped nearly a thousand points in several minutes, was unintentionally caused by high-frequency trading systems; cPacket is working with financial institutions to optimize their high-frequency trading systems to detect these manipulations

  • Enabling PC operating systems to survive attacks

    In certain computer security attacks, an outside party compromises one computer application (such as a Web browser) and then uses that application to submit a “system call” to the operating system, effectively asking the operating system to perform a specific function; instead of a routine function, however, the attacker uses the system call to attempt to gain control of the operating system; North Carolina State University researchers offer a solution