FutureSentry, Sun Surveillance offer solar-powered intrusion detection
Two companies join forces to offer solar-powered automated intrusion detection systems for areas with limited power; the solution enables a cost-effective deployment as there is no need to trench and pull video cable and power, saving on both installation cost and time
U.K. lab helps company improve its infrastructure monitoring sensors
London-based Senceive produces sensors used in long-term infrastructure monitoring; the company’s meshed systems of wireless sensors are used to assess the condition of railway structures, track, bridges, culturally significant buildings, and even historical artifacts; the company needed the help of the U.K. National Physical Laboratory to improve the tilt sensing system it manufactures, and verify its accuracy, precision, and limits
Remote bomb detection sensors
European scientists are embarking on a project to develop a network of state-of-the-art sensors capable of detecting hidden explosives; the sensors will work by detecting the chemical traces of explosive vapors in the air in order to provide early warning to security services and protect vulnerable urban populations from the threat of Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs), often used by terrorist organizations
Global nuclear bomb sensors used to track Japan's radiation
A worldwide network of radiation sensors originally built to detect nuclear weapon tests is now being used by scientists to track radiation leaked from Japan’s Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant; over 280 sensors were installed to detect radiation from nuclear weapons testing; the sensors have detected several radioactive elements that are the byproducts of nuclear fission like iodine-131 and cesium-137 from Japan; experts studying the data disagree on the effect and size of the release, but assure the public that the effects are minimal as much of the radiation is being scattered across the Pacific
Washington nuclear sensors capable of detecting faintest amounts of radiation
The radiation detectors developed by the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) in Washington are so sensitive that they can detect trace amounts of radioactive material from hundreds of thousands of miles away; far from being a public health concern, the amount of radiation from Japan detected on the west coast of the United States was far less than what individuals receive from natural sources and is testament to the sensors extraordinary sensitivity; officials say that the PNNL’s sensors are a hundred times more sensitive than other radiation sensors; the PNNL facility is capable of picking up the faintest amounts of radioactive elements produced by nuclear reactions from the vast amounts of air particles in the world
San Francisco to regulate private biological agent detectors
Some firms have begun selling building owners and companies untested devices designed to detect anthrax and other biological agents, but city officials are worried that these will generate false alarms; in San Francisco city officials estimate that responding to a false alarm generated by a biological agent detector could cost as much as $700,000; legislation has been introduced to regulate these devices; the bill would require those who have biological agent detectors to pay an annual fee and owners would also be fined as much as $10,000 for false alarms; if passed, owners would have ninety days to register with the city
New .gov threat detection software nearing completion
DHS is currently in the final stages of implementing Einstein 2, its new cybersecurity threat detection system, across all federal networks; Einstein 2 is designed to provide the government with intrusion detection tools on its networks; installation is expected to be completed this year; DHS is also in the midst of testing Einstein 3 and hopes to begin installation of that system within the year; the Einstein system is part of a total suite of technological solutions designed to secure the .gov domain from cyber threats; these tools are being developed in conjunction with the Department of Defense
New smell sensor uses genetically engineered frog eggs
Researchers use genetically engineered frog cells to develop a sensor that detects gasses; the researchers embedded the sensor into a mannequin, so that it could shake its head when a gas was detected, making it easier to observe
DHS seeking unattended sensors technology for border surveillance
DHS is seeking information from companies who can build unattended ground sensors that can detect and locate people, boats, or vehicles moving along rivers, roads, and paths in dense forests; DHS says it needs this capability for border surveillance to monitor those entering the United States illegally in rough terrain
TSA will miss 1 August air cargo screening deadline
TSA will miss the congressionally mandated 1 August deadline of having 100 percent of cargo carried on planes screened; all cargo loaded onto passenger planes departing from domestic airports will be checked for explosives by the deadline, but screening all international cargo entering the United States has proved more challenging; the reason: an estimated 2.8 billion pounds of air cargo arrives in the United States every year on passenger aircraft from 94 different countries; the cargo is handled in the global air cargo supply chain by a vast number of participants; each of these 94 countries has unique air cargo security programs and regulatory requirements, many of which differ significantly from those required by TSA
Detecting sweaty, smelly security threats
DARPA wants to be able to detect, track, and even positively identify them from a distance — and do so using nothing more than the heat and sweat that emanate from a person’s pores; DARPA envisions myriad civilian applications for the technology, including “identifying and tracking persons from the scenes of various crimes”
Camgian awarded DARPA UAV-UGS fusion contract
Today’s soldiers rely on advanced ground and airborne sensors to identify, track, and monitor critical targets; as stand-along platforms, UAVs and unattended ground sensors (UGS) have operational limitations such as endurance, coverage, and target resolution; Camgian is teaming up with BAE Systems to exploit the fusion of these assets in an automated network architecture to provide powerful ISR capability
Seabed cable signals to sense tsunamis
The current tsunami warning system relies on a global seismometer network to detect earthquakes that may indicate that a tsunami has formed; deep-ocean pressure sensors and coastal tide gauges are the only tools available to detect and measure an actual tsunami; the electric current induced in submarine cables may provide an additional way to confirm and track a tsunami; researchers suggest monitoring voltages changes across the vast network of communication cables on the seabed to enhance the current tsunami warning system
Bruker’s Autonomous Rapid Facility Chemical Agent Monitor advances to DHS Phase IIIb
Bruker uses its proprietary RAID Ion Mobility Spectrometry (IMS) technology for the Autonomous Rapid Facility Chemical Agent Monitor Program, which is designed for long-term monitoring of ambient air for the presence of hazardous chemical vapors in the interior or exterior of critical government buildings, subways, airports and other facilities; the company says it has also developed a new product – the DE-tector — which uses next-generation IMS technology with selectivity and specificity that approaches that of mass spectrometry
Hidden sensor network detects explosives
German researchers develop a covert sensor system that track people carrying explosive in busy transportation hubs; the system works using two separate sensory networks that gather chemical and kinetic information — the first is made up of a series of four to six rotating laser scanners that send pulses through corridors, walkways, or escalators at airports or railway stations; the second network consists of electronic sensors hidden in air vents and wall fixtures that provide chemical data on explosive materials