Transportation SecurityTSA deploys vehicle inspection teams in Tennessee

Published 26 October 2011

Last week in an effort to improve security on U.S. highways, the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) established checkpoints at truck weight stations in Tennessee; working with the Tennessee Department of Homeland Security, TSA deployed Visible Intermodal Prevention and Response (VIPR) teams across the state to inspect vehicles

Tennessee first state to institute TSA road instructions // Source:

Last week in an effort to improve security on U.S. highways, the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) establishedcheckpoints at truck weight stations in Tennessee.

Working with the Tennessee Department of Homeland Security, TSA deployed Visible Intermodal Prevention and Response (VIPR) teams across the state to inspect vehicles. The teams included surface transportation security inspectors, transportation security officers, behavior detention officers, and explosive detection canine teams.

“People generally associate the TSA with airport security, and after 9/11 that was our primary focus, but now we have moved on to other forms of transportation, such as highways, buses, and railways,” said Kevin McCarthy, the TSA federal security director for West Tennessee.

According to McCarthy, in the wake of train bombings in Madrid, London, and Mumbai, TSA has sought to improve security along not only rail lines and mass transit systems, but also on major interstates.

Everything from Wal-Mart merchandise to illegal drugs and illegal immigrants are transported through this area,” said Larry Godwin, the deputy commissioner of TDSHS. “Current interdiction units are doing a good job, but further coordinated inspections will only strengthen their efforts. If we prepare for the worst, then we are ready for almost anything.”