University of Texas wins $3.1 million DHS training grant
Award follows the Center for Infrastructure Assurance and Security’s participation in Cyberstorm and Dark Screen cyberterrorism exercises; grant to support state and municipal cybersecurity training efforts
One good turn deserves another, a lesson learned by the University of Texas at San Antonio Center for Infrastructure Assurance and Security (CIAS). Earlier this year, CIAS personnel participated in DHS’s CyberStorm National Cyber Security Exercise in Washington, D.C, and previously led the Dark Screen cyberterrorism exercise held in San Antonio in 2002 and 2003. DHS has decided to reward these efforts with a three-year $3.1 million competitive training grant to support state and municipal cybersecurity training efforts. This in turn follows an initial $1 million grant for similar purposes. Established in 2001, CIAS brings together academics, IT security personnel, and the local Air Intelligence Agency to develop and manage effective emergency IT policies and procedures.
This latest grant is another example of why one should not mess with Texas when it comes to innovation in the homeland security market. As we have previously reported, scientists from the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center in Dallas are heavily involved in developing a new ricin vaccine, and UT-San Antonio recently received a large DHS grant to investigate new data analysis techniques. It is about time somebody gave terrorists a stick with the longhorns.
-read more in this news release