WorkLight says RSA chief's observations ring true

Published 20 May 2008

RSA boss Art Coviello offers his insights on Web security, saying that hackers are developing plans to attack healthcare providers as their revenue streams from the financial services sector start to dry up; Coveillo also says that biometric technology is not a solution for IT security – at least so far

Yakum, Israel-based WorkLight, the Web 2.0
security specialist, says that RSA chief Art Coviello’s observations that
hackers are now posing a real threat to the online world is something that
major corporations should sit up and take notice of. “Coviello says that
hackers are developing plans to attack healthcare providers as their revenue
streams from the financial services sector start to dry up,” said David
Lavenda, WorkLight’s director of marketing and strategy. “It’s also
fascinating that the RSA chief also notes that criminals are also expanding
their operations vertically into sites like Facebook,” he added. According
to Lavenda, while Coviello dismisses biometrics as an imperfect solution to
current IT security problems, it is interesting to hear his views that the
technology will develop to the point where it offers very high levels of
protection — eventually. “As always, there is no silver bullet. Companies
will continue to need to take a multi-layered approach to security, including
using secure network technologies to access Web 2.0 services like Facebook and
MySpace,” he explained.

Lavenda went on to say that firms need to evolve a
secure access strategy with social networking sites in order securely to tap
into the significant B2B and B2C benefits that these services offer.