AVK and Antivir top anti-virus tests
German testing lab puts the most popular brands to the test; Microsoft fails again
A tip of the hat this afternoon to PC World, which recently reported the results of a comprehensive test of anti-virus software by Germany-based testing lab AV Test. The results were illuminating for anyone who relies on such software to protect their computers from malware, spyware, viruses, and whatever other devious digital demons the hackers of the world are working on this week. According to AV Test, the top performers were AVK 2007 and AntiVir, which were able to identify the vast majority of malware, 99.6 and 99.4 percent respectively. The ever popular Symantec performed well (97.8 percent) — better in fact than its main competitor McAfee, which scored an 87.2 percent catch rate. And what about industry heavyweight Microsoft? The company’s OneCare finished with a pathetic 80.6 percent detection rate.