Foreign aidDenying foreign aid to countries with outstanding NYC parking tickets
New York City is home to 289 foreign missions and consulates, and their foreign diplomats have incurred more than $17.2 million in parking fines; these fines were issued due to safety violations, including the blocking of fire hydrants, which put the safety of NYC residents at risk; there is already a law on the books stating that 110 percent of the total unpaid parking fines owed to NYC and the District of Columbia are to be withheld from foreign aid and obligations to the countries at fault, but so far this law has not been enforced; three New York House representatives want to change that, telling other countries: pay your NYC parking tickets or forget about foreign aid

Double parked car with diplomatic plates // Source:
Representatives Michael G. Grimm (R,C-Staten Island/Brooklyn), Peter T. King (R-Long Island), and Edolphus Towns (D-Brooklyn) have introduced legislation to impose sanctions against foreign countries with outstanding parking tickets and fines owed to New York City.
“There’s no such thing as ‘diplomatic immunity’ from paying parking tickets,” said Grimm. “If you get a ticket in NYC, you have to pay it. No exceptions. New York City’s budget is tight enough as it is, and foreign diplomats do not deserve a free pass at the expense of New York City taxpayers. I stand behind my legislation and will hold accountable those foreign nations with outstanding fines.”
“When dealing with violations in any nation, the consequences are really quite simple, pay your fine!” said King. “Unfortunately, this legislation is sorely needed to make sure that those countries which habitually disrespect the laws and good will of the people of New York are held accountable.”
“While we appreciate the important roles diplomats play in society and we welcome them with open arms to our city, fair is fair,” said Towns. “You take the good with the bad. Parking is tough is New York City and we must all play by the rules.”
The Hill reports that New York City is home to 289 foreign missions and consulates, and their foreign diplomats have incurred more than $17.2 million in parking fines. These fines were issued due to safety violations, including the blocking of fire hydrants, which put the safety of NYC residents at risk.
Current law states that 110 percent of the total unpaid parking fines owed to NYC and the District of Columbia are to be withheld from foreign aid and obligations to the countries at fault. This; however, does not help NYC receive the outstanding funds. Rep. Grimm’s bill addresses the issue by establishing appropriate sanctions and procedures to ensure that the fines incurred in NYC are paid.
The legislation states that whenever a foreign country owes NYC parking fines as of 15 September of each year, the Secretary of State shall deny the renewal of diplomatic license plates, withhold any obligated funds to that nation, and reappropriate any of the obligated foreign aid funds for the amount outstanding.