DHS offers $58 million in new anti-nuclear research grants

Published 22 February 2007

Domestic Nuclear Detection Office and the National Science Foundation team up to encourage research into sensors and radiation dispersal devices

Here is a nice opportunity for the academic types among us. DHS’s Domestic Nuclear Detection Office (DNDO) and the National Science Foundation (NSF) have issued a potential $58 million in grant opportunities for universities and scholars to focus on detection systems, individual sensors, or other research relevant to the detection of nuclear weapons, special nuclear material, and radiation dispersal devices. “This Academic Research Initiative is a critical element in building the Nation’s intellectual capital in nuclear detection capability,” said DNDO Director Vayl Oxford. “Continued advances in science and technology are a key element in the long-term effort to protect the nation against nuclear attacks.” Proposals will be reviewed through NSF’s merit-based process using panels of peer reviewers and experts recruited jointly by NSF and DNDO.

-read more in this agency news release TK