Social media & terrorismYoung women’s warning to other women: Don’t be fooled by ISIS

Published 21 January 2016

A young woman who converted to Islam after being drawn to ISIS on social media has publicly warned other girls about how the jihadist group uses social media to reach vulnerable individuals such as herself. Her mother called the national hotline and the French police was able to intervene before the two women left for Syria. The young woman has since joined other youngest girls in France’s deradicalization program.

A young woman who converted to Islam after being drawn to ISIS on social media has publicly warned other girls about how the jihadist group uses social media to reach vulnerable individuals such as herself.

Speaking in Paris to CNN, Joanna (not her real name) said she was groomed by a woman “directly involved in the Paris terror attacks,” who wanted Joanna to travel with her to Syria to join ISIS.

CNN reports that Joanna’s mother called the national hotline and the French police was able to intervene before the two women left for Syria. Joanna has since joined other youngest girls in France’s deradicalization program.

CNN notes that she must report to a police station every day and receives mandatory counselling. She told CNN that her message to other girls in a similar situation was to “open your eyes to reality.” “Don’t go to Syria — it’s suicide, it’s death,” she said.

Joanna added that she has cut off all online communications and no longer has a phone, so she does not have to face the temptation to get back in touch with ISIS followers and recruiters.

She said that the recruiters who contacted her online were “really sneaky,” and appeared to know how to approach and what to say to a “lonely” young person seeking closeness and understanding.

She said: “I received loads of messages from them, I was constantly in touch with them … They made sense of my life, made me think I had an important role on Earth. I really felt like I was loved, even more than by my own family.

“They tell you that your family will reject you, that they will stop loving you; they say that the only ones who love you are your brothers and sisters in Islam. Then, when things deteriorate with your family, you turn to them instead.”

“They always know the right words to use; they aren’t dumb, they’re smart. It’s manipulation, and unfortunately I got trapped.”