MigrationNew EU Office Criticized by Liberals, NGOs as Conveying a "Xenophobic Message"
EU Commission chief Ursula von der Leyen was accused by liberal and leftist members of the European Parliament, and by several international organizations, of creating a new position which conveys a xenophobic message. The new office – the official name is The Office for Protecting Our European Way of Life — has been the subject of bitter criticized within Brussels and throughout the EU. von der Leyen defended he decision saying: “Our European way of life is holding up our values,” she told reporters. “The beauty of the dignity of every single human being is one of the most precious values.”
EU Commission chief Ursula von der Leyen was accused by liberal and leftist members of the European Parliament and by several international organizations, of creating a new position which conveys a xenophobic message. The new office – the official name is The Office for Protecting Our European Way of Life — has been the subject of bitter criticized within Brussels and throughout the EU.
The BBC reports that Von der Leyen has renamed several of the Commission positions in order to make them sound less formal and more goal-oriented. As part of this new approach, she has renamed the former Office for Migration, Home Affairs, and Citizenship to the Office for Protecting Our European Way of Life.
“Creating a portfolio ‘Protection of the European way of life’ in response to ‘legitimate fears and concerns about the impact of irregular migration’ is totally misguided and reprehensible,” said Sophie in ‘t Veld, a progressive Dutch MEP.
‘t Veld called the new position a “fake portfolio,” adding: “The implication that Europeans need to be protected from external cultures is grotesque and this narrative should be rejected.”
Ska Keller, a German lawmaker who heads the Green party bloc in the European Parliament, also voiced her concern that the new post implied a “contradiction between supporting refugees and European values.”
“We hope President von der Leyen does not see a contradiction between supporting refugees and European values,” she said.
Damien Careme, a French member of the Greens, said the portfolio name was “an abomination.”
“It looks pretty but when one realizes that it means he will be in charge of migration, integration and security, then it’s absolutely disgusting,” Careme added.
The head of Amnesty International’s European office, Eve Geddie, said, “Linking migration with security, in the portfolio of the Commissioner for Protecting our European Way of Life, risks sending a worrying message.”
Von der Leyen Defends Post
The new post has been given to Margaritis Schinas, a former Greek member of European Parliament and longtime civil servant for the Commission.
In her letter to him outlining the portfolio, von der Leyen said “the European way of life is built around solidarity, peace of mind and security.”
“We must address and allay legitimate fears and concerns about the impact of irregular migration on our economy and society,” she added.
He clarified the goal of the position by saying his office would be “better protecting our citizens and borders and modernizing our asylum system, to investing in Europeans’ skills and creating brighter futures for our youth, I am confident that we can take great strides over the next five years to both protect and empower Europeans.”
Von der Leyen’s office responded to the criticism by pointing out that the name of the portfolio had been included in her public strategy papers since July, and that the purpose of the office was to coordinate cross-border development and fighting terrorism, as well as protect values and democracy.
“Our European way of life is holding up our values,” she told reporters. “The beauty of the dignity of every single human being is one of the most precious values.”