OUR PICKSKissinger Concerned About AI | Killer Robots in San Francisco | B-21 Stealth Bomber Unveiled, and more

Published 29 November 2022

··Why Artificial Intelligence Is Now a Primary Concern for Henry Kissinger
How to limit the potential destructive capabilities of artificial intelligence

··Jewish Texans See Surge in Antisemitism as a Precursor to Fascism
Texas has seen an ongoing wave of antisemitic incidents

··Kansas City Area Man Among Three Indicted in Alleged Terrorist Conspiracy n Cameroon
Providing support for a militant separatist group known as the Ambazonia Restoration Forces

··Twitter Failed to Detect Upload of Christchurch Mosque Terror Attack Videos
Footage was taken down only after the New Zealand government alerted Twitter

··Revealed: The Public Finally Gets to See the B-21 Stealth Bomber this Week
The B-21 is different from other classified military programs in that its existence is openly acknowledged

··What the Census Bureau Can Learn From the IRS About Detecting Cyberattacks
Successful detection and response depend on testing procedures

··Jewish Allies Call Trump’s Dinner with Antisemites a Breaking Point
Trump’s staunchest Jewish supporters say they can no longer ignore his abetting of bigotry

··San Francisco Cops Propose Using Killer Robots to Fight Crime
Stop! Or my robot will shoot!

Why Artificial Intelligence Is Now a Primary Concern for Henry Kissinger  (David Ignatius, Washington Post)

·  “Henry Kissinger … has become ‘obsessed’ with a very modern concern—how to limit the potential destructive capabilities of artificial intelligence, whose powers could be far more devastating than even the biggest bomb. Kissinger described AI as the new frontier of arms control during a forum at Washington National Cathedral on Nov. 16. If leading powers don’t find ways to limit AI’s reach, he said, ‘it is simply a mad race for some catastrophe.’”

·  “The former secretary of state cautioned that AI systems could transform warfare just as they have chess or other games of strategy—because they are capable of making moves that no human would consider but that have devastatingly effective consequences. … ‘We are surrounded by many machines whose real thinking we may not know,’ he continued. ‘How do you build restraints into machines? Even today we have fighter planes that can fight … air battles without any human intervention. But these are just the beginnings of this process. It is the elaboration 50 years down the road that will be mind-boggling.’”

·  “Kissinger urged the leaders of the United States and China, the world’s tech giants, to begin an urgent dialogue about how to apply ethical limits and standards for AI. Such a conversation might begin, he said, with President Biden telling Chinese President Xi Jinping: ‘We both have a lot of problems to discuss, but there’s one overriding problem—namely that you and I uniquely in history can destroy the world by our decisions on this [AI-driven warfare], and it is impossible to achieve a unilateral advantage in this. So, we therefore should start with principle number one that we will not fight a high-tech war against each other.’”

·  “Kissinger told the cathedral audience that for all the destructiveness of nuclear weapons, ‘they don’t have this [AI] capacity of starting themselves on the basis of their perception, their own perception, of danger or of picking targets.’ Asked whether he was optimistic about the ability of mankind to limit the destructive capabilities of AI when it’s applied to warfare, Kissinger answered: ‘I retain my optimism in the sense that if we don’t solve it, it’ll literally destroy us. … We have no choice.’”