WORLD ROUNDUPRussia's Military After Ukraine | America’s Departure from the WHO Would Harm Everyone | Science Could Be a Bright Spot in U.S.-China Relations, and more
· Russia’s Military After Ukraine
· The looming leadership vacuum in the Indo-Pacific
· America’s Departure from the WHO Would Harm Everyone
· Science Could Be a Bright Spot in U.S.-China Relations
· Will Israel’s Netanyahu Survive the Cease-Fire?
Russia’s Military After Ukraine (Michelle Griséet al., RAND)
Potential pathways for the postwar reconstitution of the Russian armed forces.
The looming leadership vacuum in the Indo-Pacific (Jeffrey W. Hornung, Nikkei Asia)
Unpredictable Trump, lack of Abe figure in Japan, opens door for authoritarians
America’s Departure from the WHO Would Harm Everyone (Economist)
Whether it is a negotiating ploy remains to be seen.
Science Could Be a Bright Spot in U.S.-China Relations (Brendan Kelly and Jing Qian, Foreign Policy)
A renewed agreement may help stabilize a turbulent relationship.
Will Israel’s Netanyahu Survive the Cease-Fire? (David E. Rosenberg, Foreign Policy)
His coalition is unraveling but he has a trump card.