Fifth of jobs U.S. government will fill in 2010-2012 will be security related
In security and protection, there are 52,077 projected hires in areas of intelligence analysis, international relations, foreign affairs, and security administration
Nearly 20 percent of all the jobs the federal government will be hiring for in between 2010 and 2012 will be security-related, reports the Washington Business Journal.
In security and protection, there are 52,077 projected hires in areas of intelligence analysis, international relations, foreign affairs and security administration. The most concentrated job type in the field is a transportation security officer within the Department of Homeland Security, which has 34,500 projected hires.
These numbers come from a recent survey of federal agencies by the Partnership for Public Service, a nonprofit organization dedicated to inspiring younger generations to serve in the federal government.
For a complete breakdown of what security-related jobs need to be filled, click here.