LAX announces new baggage drop-off program

Published 12 September 2006

Program will ease security efforts by minimizing ticket and skycap lines; 2004 shoot-out at El Al counter exposed vulnerabilities; passengers will pay $5 fee to drop bags off in Los Angeles locations and receive a ride to the airport

Among airport security concerns, ticket counters and skycap stands are typically overlooked in favor of the planes themselves. This is a mistake. In 2002 Hesham Mohamed Hadayet, a 41-year-old Egyptian national, opened fire at El Al’s ticket counter at Los Angeles International Airport (LAX), killing two Israelis and wounding four others before being shot dead by an airline security guard. The long lines at ticket counters also present an enticing bombing target and have the added terror bonus of shutting down the airport for the day. The crowds also interfere with security forces’ ability to observe suspicious behavior and identify left luggage. In order to reduce the threat, LAX announced this week that passengers are now able to drop off their luggage ahead of time and obtain a boarding pass at various locations throughout the city. Passengers will pay a $5 fee for the service, which also includes a shuttle ride to the airport.

-read more in this Los Angeles Times report