Nuclear mattersNRC seeks public comments on reactor oversight
As interest in nuclear power is revived, more application for building reactors come in — after a lull of more than two decades nearly; the NRC wants the public to comment on reactor oversight
The Nuclear Regulatory Commission is seeking comment from members of the public on the implementation of the Reactor Oversight Process (ROP), which the agency put in place seven years ago to revamp and improve its inspection and enforcement programs for commercial nuclear power plants. Each year the NRC seeks feedback to help the agency continue to improve its regulatory approach. In particular, the NRC says it would appreciate the public’s answers to a list of twenty-six questions relating to the ROP, including the following:
* Does the Inspection Program adequately cover areas important to safety?
* Is the information in NRC inspection reports useful to you?
* Is the ROP understandable, and are the processes, procedures and products clear and written in plain English?
* Has the public had sufficient opportunity to participate in the ROP and provide input and comments?
All twenty-six questions are contained in the Federal Register notice, which should be published shortly. The notice is available on the NRC’s Web site.
The comment period runs until 7 December.