Better communication during emergenciesTCS, SAP offer combined incident response communication solution
Two companies join their respective strengths — secure, reliable communication with multi-source information for situational awareness — to ensure that incident commanders in disaster incidents are in a position to make more informed decisions
The terrorist attacks in 9/11 and Hurricane Katrina proved something we already knew: Communication systems are as essential as they are fragile. They are essential for providing incident commanders with situational awareness and rescue crews with accurate information, but they are susceptible to damage and destruction by the same man-made or natural forces which caused the incident in the first place. Annapolis, Maryland-based TeleCommunication Systems (TCS) (NASDAQ: TSYS) has teamed with Newtown Square, Pennsylvania-based SAP to provide SAP customers with the ability to reach back over secure wireless networks from remote locations to their central offices to access SAP applications crucial to their work. This teaming relationship also provides SAP with a tool for customers requiring wireless access to SAP software solutions. SAP for Defense & Security is based on an open architecture. TCS provides end-to-end wireless networking, IP transport, and encryption through its SwiftLink products, satellite services, and gateways to allow interoperable communications for remote users of SAP applications.
If secure communication is essential for conducting business remotely and on the move, it is all the more so for the kind of missions which DHS and the Pentagon typically undertake. “This truly is a vital step for the Department of Homeland Security and for our mutual Department of Defense customers,” said Ret. LTG Chuck Mahan, vice president of Homeland Security at SAP Public Services. “They are required to mobilize personnel and resources in the field in response to rapidly changing situations. SAP software provides this capability. Now we are able to deliver it to the commander in the field where it is needed most.”