Biometric technologies adopted by more Australian banks
The use of face-recognition biometrics technology will soon become main stream in Australian banks, and may even be used in conjunction with other technologies; in a survey, 79 percent of Australians said that they were comfortable with fingerprint technology replacing banking PINs
Law enforcement can store, identify millions of voice samples using new software
Everyone this day can be identified by a fingerprint, DNA, or even a picture. Now, with the help of a Russian company, the FBI will soon be using voice recognition to identify people; the FBI says voice biometrics will be a “reliable and consistent means of identification for use in remote recognition”
Voice verification technology prevents impersonators from obtaining voiceprints
Computer users have learned to preserve their privacy by safeguarding passwords, but with the rise of voice authentication systems, they also need to protect unique voice characteristics; researchers say this is possible with a system they developed which converts a user’s voiceprint into something akin to passwords
"Cognitive fingerprints" for bolstering computer passwords
It will not make passwords passé, but researchers intends to use “cognitive fingerprints” to make sure you are you, and not an imposter; a novel software-based authentication tool called covert-conditioned biometrics will attempt to use a unique sequence of problem-solving moves to distinguish between a legitimate user and an identity thief
Border Patrol kiosk detects liars trying to enter U.S.
The U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) is using border crossing stations in Arizona to test new technology to detect liars as they attempt to enter the country; travelers are subjected to a 5-minute interview with the kiosk, while microphones monitor vocal pitch frequency and quality, an infrared camera monitors eye movement and pupil dilation, and a high definition camera monitors facial expression
New biometrics discipline -- foot biometrics – for security, disease detection
Identity science takes a giant, well, step forward with a new discipline in biometrics: foot biometrics; researchers at the new $1.5 million per year Pedo-Biometrics Research and Identity Automation Lab will test insole sensory system prototypes for a variety of identification uses, from security to detecting the onset of such diseases as diabetes and Parkinson’s
Francisco Partners acquires biometrics provider Cross Match Technologies
Francisco Partners, a technology-focused private equity firm, has acquired Cross Match Technologies, Inc., a provider of interoperable biometric identity management systems, applications, and services
New research raises questions about iris recognition systems
Since the early days of iris recognition technologies, it has been assumed that the iris was a “stable” biometric over a person’s lifetime — “one enrollment for life”; researchers find, however, that iris biometric enrollment is susceptible to an aging process that causes recognition performance to degrade slowly over time
Voice recognition capabilities at the FBI -- from the 1960s to the present
Chris Archer, the online content editor at IDGA (the Institute for Defense & Government Advancement), talked with Hirotaka Nakasone, a senior scientist in the FBI’s Voice Recognition Program; Nakasone examines the use and effectiveness of current speaker authentication technologies at the FBI; highlights the various challenges which are unique to voice recognition, and discusses what plans are in place for capturing voice recordings in line with the FBI’s Next Generation Identification (NGI project)
Not taking faces at face value
Photographs of faces may not be adequate proof of a person’s identity and this could have serious implications for the accuracy of passport photographs in determining identity
Biometrics proves 1 percent of applicants to enter U.S. are unsuitable
Chris Archer, the online content editor at IDGA (the Institute for Defense & Government Advancement), talked with James Loudermilk, Senior Level Technologist, FBI Science and Technology Branch, about biometrics and biometrics and homeland security; Loudermilk says that biometrics applications helped the FBI determine that about 1 percent of people who seek visa to visit the United States as tourists have previously done things that make them unsuitable guests; the conversation examines the application of biometrics for homeland security, issues relating to privacy and civil liberties, and what can be learned from international biometrics projects, including India’s UID scheme
Forensic research using DNA sequencing technology
The Ion Personal Genome Machine (PGM) Sequencer translates chemical sequencing information directly into digital form by using semiconductor technology; it enables the analysis of ninety-six samples in one run, allowing forensic practitioners to obtain more information from the samples they process; the sequencer is suitable for a wide array of forensic identification applications, including missing persons identifications, mass disaster work, interpretations of complex mixtures, and bio-defense
Researchers advance biometric security
Researchers have developed a way for security systems to combine different biometric measurements — such as eye color, face shape, or fingerprints — and create a learning system that simulates the brain in making decisions about information from different sources
The complexities of the human face: analyzing facial recognition technologies in unconstrained environments
Chris Archer, the online content editor at IDGA (the Institute for Defense & Government Advancement), talked with Thirimachos Bourlai, research assistant professor at West Virginia University, about facial recognition technologies; the human face has several advantages over other biometric traits: it is non-intrusive, understandable, and can be captured in a covert manner at variable standoff distances; Bourlai examines the various challenges of facial recognition as a biometric technology faces; defines “unconstrained recognition” and how this challenge is being met; he also explores how facial recognition will be used by the military and commercially in the short and long term future
Aging process confounds iris recognition biometrics
It is commonly assumed that biometric template aging does not occur for iris biometrics; there may well be a need to examine this assumption; two University of Notre Dame scientists found that the rate at which a state-of-the-art, commercial iris-matching software system failed to match two images of the same iris — known as the false non-match rate — increased by 153 percent over three years