DHS awards $1.8 billion in preparedness grants
DHS will award approximately $3 billion in Fiscal Year 2008 for preparedness; department has provided roughly $25 billion in grants since Fiscal Year 2002 to state, local, and tribal governments, as well as non-profit organizations
U.K. says country is a good place for scientific research
U.K. government body releases a reference work showing major research infrastructures, including light sources, research ships, innovative laboratories, and social data sets
New Jersey's Stevens Tech to lead research on port security
Hoboken is poised to become a center for research into port security
GAO strongly criticizes DoE over Hanford clean-up
More than 210 million liters of radioactive and chemical waste are stored in 177 underground tanks at Hanford in Washington State; most are more than fifty years old; GAO says there now “serious questions about the tanks’ long-term viability”
Homeland security experts on priorities for next administration
Experts: The next administration’s top four homeland security priorities should be border security, emergency response, development of medical counter-measures to weapons of mass destruction, and port security
Federal money for identity programs boost biometrics market
A slew of U.S. government programs — US VISIT, the Real ID Act, TWIC, the FBI’s next-generation database, and many more — depend on biometric technology; the estimated value of potential contracts to implement federal identity-solutions programs has more than doubled since 2006, rising from $890 million to $2 billion this year; biometric companies fiercely compete — and lobby — for contracts
Pentagon's IG resigns
Claude Kicklighter, who took over as Pentagon inspector general in April 2007, has accepted a teaching position at George Mason University; he will be executive director of the university’s Critical Infrastructure Protection Project
$30.5 billion U.S. loan guarantees for advanced energy technology
The U.S. Department of Energy issues three solicitations for a total of up to $30.5 billion in loan guarantees for projects that employ advanced energy technologies that avoid, reduce, or sequester air pollutants or greenhouse gas emissions
U.S. DOE offers $1.3 billion funding for clean coal technology
The Bush administration sees clean coal as a vital component of its energy policy, and the Department of Energy announced a funding opportunity of $1.3 billion for companies and organizations doing research and development of clean coal
House appropriators approve DHS spending bill
House panel approves a $39.9 billion budget for DHS for FY 2009, about $2.3 billion more than the administration proposed; bill would boost funding for popular state and local homeland security grant programs
IG: DHS inaction cost millions
DHS Inspector General says DHS failed to implement more than 1,000 recommendations; FEMA largest offender
New Air Force Cyber Command politically savvy
One way to secure the Hill’s backing — and bucks — for any new program is to spread it over as many states and congressional districts as possible; AFCYBER may be a new outfit, but its leaders are perfectly aware of this old political truth
Congress increases DHS budget
Congress adds 6 percent — or $2.3 billion — to DHS budget over President Bush’s request; $950 million added for state homeland security grants, the same as last year, and $750 million above the requested level
DHS launches 3 transportation initiatives
The Global Entry pilot program, the Passenger Service Program, and an expanded Model Ports Initiative, intended to strengthen customer service at U.S. ports of entry
Tom Daschle calls for greater U.S.-U.K. bioterror cooperation
Daschle: “The threat of bioterrorism will increase exponentially because biological agents used to carry out such attacks will continue to become more accessible and more technologically advanced”