Fifty percent growth expected for homeland security market
Homeland Security Research Corporation issues a hefty report; individual sectors scrutinized by size and growth potential
DHS releases $194 million in emergency management grants
States can use the money for equipment, training, and salaries; California, Texas, and New York are the big winners
Top 100 DHS contractors announced
Government Security News provides its annual rankings; Hurricane Katrina may have skewed the results toward environmental cleanup companies; Shaw Environmental, Bechtel, and C2HM Hill Constructors lead the pack
DHS announces 2007 grant levels for Infrastructure Protection Program
Transit Security Grant Program, the Port Security Grant Program, the Intercity Bus Security Grant Program, the Trucking Security Program, and the Buffer Zone Protection Program see mostly gains
Arizona defense industry looks to the past and future
Experts say the state is well-positioned to take advantage of increased spending on missile defense and other advanced systems; should these receive the axe under the new Democratic congress, older contracts for ATK and General Dynamics, among others, will keep the economy afloat
Criticism continues of Congressional formula for state terror funds disbursement
If a camel is a horse designed by committee, than the grants DHS gives states for terror preparedness are more a camel than a horse; the reason: The formula for allocating these grants was designed by a committee — a Congressional committee, that is
Department of Education awards emergency preparedness grants
Seventy-four schools will receive a total of $23 million for staff training and equipment purchases
Canadian government announces annual air security revenue, expenses
Deficits projected as security costs, number of travellers, mount; government plans to hold dwindling program surplus as check against future costs
In-Q-Tel names new chief executive
Christopher Darby takes the reigns at the CIA’s venture capital arm; background in cybersecurity; succeeds Amit Yoran
STG wins DHS contract for financial and accounting services
A leading IT and homeland security contractor announces it had won a contract to manage financial infrastructure problems related to DHS consolidation.
Texas Emerging Technology Fund awards $2.25 million to local companies
The State of Texas has established a fund to support emerging technologies offered by local companies
Federal IT spending to reach $6.3 by 2011
The need for interoperability and the threat of hacking will drive the steady growth in government IT spending
New York City's security grants have been cut, but not those for chickens in Delaware
New York City’s security grants have been cut, but not those for chickens in Delaware
EAGLE contract will save DHS $40 million
The 25 EAGLE contracts DHS has awarded would help the department streamline and standardize its IT operations, but will also save it about $40 million a year it now pays other agencies for various services
DHS adds $10 million to antiterror programs of NYC transportation system
DHS received a lot of criticism for cutting more than $80 million from New York City’s antiterrorism grants; the department has now added $10 million to the city’s transportation system’s security plan