• Communications gap allowed packet bomb to go unchecked

    German customs officials wanted to search last week’s package containing a bomb from Yemen, but it had left the country by the time the paperwork arrived; a communications breakdown enabled the explosive to pass through Germany without security checks; the security gap at the Cologne-Bonn Airport meant that the explosive-laden printer from Yemen avoided customs

  • Full-body scanners at U.S. airports may be dangerous: scientists

    U.S. scientists warned that the full-body, graphic-image X-ray scanners now being used to screen passengers and airline crews at airports around the country may be unsafe; scientists say that most of the energy from the scanners is delivered to the skin and underlying tissue; “While the dose would be safe if it were distributed throughout the volume of the entire body, the dose to the skin may be dangerously high,” they say

  • Better bomb sniffer built

    Chemists have developed a sensor that detects minute amounts of TATP, an explosive favored by terrorists because it is easy to make and difficult to detect; TATP is easy to make from readily available ingredients: acetone, hydrogen peroxide, and an acid; since none of these ingredients contains nitrogen, the most common target for current bomb-sniffing technologies, TATP is especially difficult to detect

  • Sniffer rats saving lives in war zones -- and in the lab

    Light, with an acute sense of smell and easily motivated by food rewards, giant African pouched rats have been found to be highly effective in mine detection; in the lab, the rats use their keen noses positively to identify tuberculosis sputum samples; the next frontier would be to use the “hero rats” to sniff out narcotics or to search for survivors of disasters such as earthquakes or collapsed buildings

  • Al Qaeda plot to use kamikaze dogs failed

    Al Qaeda operatives in Iraq tried to bring a plane down by deploying a pair of kamikaze canines on a U.S.-bound airplane; terrorists placed the bombs inside the dogs’ bodies, then took the dogs to the Baghdad airport in kennel carriers, destined for a flight to the United States; the plot failed because the bombs were so poorly stitched inside the dogs, that the dogs died

  • New liquid explosives screening technology deployed

    The deployment of two new liquid explosive detection devices — HI-SCAN 6040aX by Smiths Detection and the Bottle Scanner from Kromek — will likely be the first step toward lifting restrictions that prohibit passengers from carrying more than 3.4 ounces of liquid or gel aboard an aircraft

  • Laser has clinical, security applications

    A novel laser system that could help detect bone diseases — and airport security; the spatially offset Raman spectroscopy (SORS) instrument uses a technique that allows it to scan deep into human tissue; the instrument is also being studied as a bottle and packaging scanner for airport security and is already used to assess the content of drugs

  • Real-time detection of PETN explosive with PTR-MS

    PETN is an extremely powerful explosive, belonging to the nitroglycerine family, but is very stable; it is therefore a preferred explosive used by terrorists; a major problem for security personnel is that PETN is difficult to detect; academic, commercial organizations collaborate to develop PTR-MS technology for the detection of explosives — not only PETN, but also TNT, RDX, Semtex, and HMX

  • New nano explosive sniffer would have detected cargo bombs

    Israeli scientists developed a nanotechnology-based sensor capable of detecting numerous types of explosives and can also be adapted to detect chemical and biological toxins; the researchers say that the sensor is particularly effective at detecting explosives like those used in the parcel bombs sent from Yemen to the United States

  • Table-top nuclear detector shows exact location of radiation sources

    A table-top gamma-ray detector created at the University of Michigan can not only identify the presence of dangerous nuclear materials, but can pinpoint and show their exact location and type, unlike conventional detectors

  • Yemen may impose 100% air freight screening

    In the wake of explosives being shipped from Yemen to the U.S. on 29 October, Yemeni authorities are stepping up efforts to boost security; one measure likely to be adopted is 100 percent air freight screening; government officials warn that tighter screening alone is not the answer; Qatar Airways confirmed it moved one of the packages from Yemen, via its Doha hub, to Dubai, where the explosive device was discovered; the airline CEO, Akbar Al Baker, stresses, however, that it was not the airline’s responsibility, but that of authorities. to conduct the searches

  • Experts: cargo bombs raise questions about adequacy of technology

    The PETN bombs found onboard cargo aircraft at East Midlands airport and Dubai airport were hidden inside computer printers; the deadly devices were not picked up by X-ray screening or sniffer dogs; intelligence will continue to play a major role in maintaining air security as even advanced screening technologies are not perfect and checking every piece of cargo would be impractical

  • False alarm at U.S., U.K. airports

    Several United Parcel Service flights arriving at U.S and U.K. were moved to areas isolated from other aircraft, and searched for explosive devices; to this point no explosives have been found

  • Japan to test walk-through explosive sniffers

    Japan will test a walk-through explosive detectors during the November Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) summit; not many details about the Hitachi-built sniffer have been released, but a description of how it operates brings to mind the troubled Puffer Machine, which was tried at U.S. airports in 2008 and later rejected

  • Pentagon: dogs better than technology at bomb detection

    The most sophisticated detectors the Pentagon came up with tend to locate only 50 percent of IEDs in Afghanistan and Iraq; when soldiers are accompanied by bomb-sniffing dogs, this number goes up to 80 percent; the Pentagon now spends less money on IED detection and more money on drones to find those planting IEDs, radio jammers to disrupt the frequencies used to detonate the bombs, and lots of aerial sensors to scan bomb-heavy areas