Smith Detection shows peroxide vapor detector
Peroxide is used in many household chemicals — and by terrorists; Smith Detection shows a hand-held detector which allows for fast detection of IEDs; military and airline industry are primary markets
Breakthrough: Universal detection system
Livermore researchers work on developing a universal detection system — a system that can monitor the air for virtually all of the major threat agents that could be used by terrorists: biological, chemical, explosives, and radiological — along with illicit drugs
Super-sensitive explosives detector
Innovative explosives detector can detect explosives at distances exceeding 20 yards; the technology is a variation of photoacoustic spectroscopy but overcomes a number of problems associated with this technique
Unmanned Ground Systems Summit: Early Bird Special
Unmanned systems perform more and more missions that used to be performed by humans; the Pentagon plans to spend about $4 billion on robots by 2010; IDGA holds ground robots summit in D.C. this August
Super-sensitive spray-on explosive detector
A new explosive detection system: A spray detects the presence of just a billionth of a gram of explosive, and shows the difference between nitrate esters, such as trinitroglycerin, and nitroaromatic explosives, such as TNT
Experts to address IED threat
Improvised explosive devices (IEDs) have proven deadly against ground transportation in Iraq and other theaters; experts believe the day is not far when terrorists would use them against rail and ground transportation in Europe and the United States
New sensor for detecting plastic explosives
Zinc complexes are naturally fluorescent, but they lose this ability when exposed to chemicals contained in plastic explosives, a phenomenon called quenching; since zinc complexes react by losing different amounts of their fluorescent ability, they can be used to create sensor arrays that produce a different visual display when exposed to different explosives
Company profile: ICx Technologies
ICx Technologies has been largely built through the far-sighted and strategic acquisition of seventeen companies and the formation of two others since it was founded in 2003; the successful management of this growth has positioned the company as a technology leader in the detection and surveillance fields; 2007 was the company’s most successful year ever
Company profile: Brijot Imaging Systems
One of the promised benefits of millimeter wave technology is its ability to scan from distance making it particularly attractive in areas where human traffic is a problem for traditional screening methods
UCSD researchers develop tiny explosive sensor
Sensor works by monitoring the variability of electrical conductivity through thin films of metal phthalocyanines; “The detection capability of this tiny electronic sensor is comparable to current instruments, which are large, bulky and cost thousands of dollars each,” says William Trogler, UCSD professor of chemistry and biochemistry
ThruVision shows T5000 T-ray security imaging system
T-rays operate in the terahertz region of the electromagnetic spectrum; T-ray-based detection system can see through clothing of still or moving individuals at a distance of up to twenty-five meters to reveal hidden objects
Abu Dhabi International Airport buys two CTX 9000 DSi EDS
GE Security claims its EDS is the world’s most widely deployed inline checked baggage explosives screening solution; it is certainly popular at Middle East airports
AMTRAK buys explosive detectors from Smiths Detection
AMTRAK will use the SABRE 4000 to screen passengers, carry-on baggage at train stations and on trains for explosives