• Analysis: What the U.S. chemical industry can learn from its Israeli counterpart

    One of the key issues in the debate over the impending chemical plant safety legislation is the issue of IST, or inherent safer technology: Security experts argue that the 300 or so U.S. chemical plants operating near population centers should be required to replace the most toxic and volatile chemicals they use and store with safer chemicals; the industry and its friends in Congress dismiss the call for IST conversion as being motivated by environmental concerns, not national security; what is the position of the Israeli chemical industry on the issue of IST and terrorism?

  • Maryland industry-government critical infrastructure working group faces difficulties

    Most of the U.S. critical infrastructure is in private hands, so it makes sense to create a structured government-industry collaborative system for dealing with emergencies related to critical infrastructure; trouble is, the kind of information industry participants should share in such an effort is not only helpful in coping with terrorist acts – it is also helpful to one’s competitors

  • House panel passes chemical plant safety bill

    The House panel has now joined a Senate panel in passing a draft chemical plant safety bill; both bills offer qualified federal preemption, and no IST

  • Senate takes first step toward regulating chemical plant safety

    The Senate takes a step – half a step, critics charge – toward a more meaningful safety scheme for chemical plants

  • Federal IT spending to reach $6.3 by 2011

    The need for interoperability and the threat of hacking will drive the steady growth in government IT spending

  • Chemical plant security becomes a federal responsibility

    Finally action is being taken; the Senate has approved legislation that would give DHS control of chemical plant security; but hopefully Secretary Chertoff’s idea of voluntary industry regulation isn’t on the table, otherwise we are back to square one

  • U.S. updates national emergency broadcast system

    In 1951 President Harry Truman launched a national emergency radio broadcasting system aiming to alert Americans in the event of a Soviet nuclear attack on the U.S.; that system, thankfully, was never used, but President Bush has now ordered its upgrading so it could be used to broadcast warnings about national emergencies to Americans’ PDAs, cellular phones, Web sites, e-mail boxes, TV, and radio

  • Foreign companies line up to bid on Midway airport

    Earlier this year the firestorm over a Dubai-based company’s plans to run operations in several U.S. ports caused many to rethink the question of foreign ownership of U.S. critical infrastructure assets; still, as the city of Chicago is getting set to lease its Midway airport, all the likely bidders are non-U.S. companies

  • EAGLE contract will save DHS $40 million

    The 25 EAGLE contracts DHS has awarded would help the department streamline and standardize its IT operations, but will also save it about $40 million a year it now pays other agencies for various services

  • Large Brazilian dam cracks

    The tallest — and newest — dam in Brazil seriously cracks as an underground tunnel beneath it collapses

  • ExxonMobil Massachusetts fuel depot shut down after illegal aliens found working there

    Worries about the safety of super tankers carrying oil at Boston Harbor combine with unease about illegal immigration, as more than a dozen illegal immigrants are arrested while being used at the harbor for clean-up of hazardous material (what is more, the subcontractor also violated the law requiring protective gear to be worn during such operation)

  • Raytheon

    The multi-billion dollar EAGLE project, aiming to standardize and consolidate DHS IT operations, is beginning to yield rich contracts The usual suspects – Unisys, Raytheon, EDS — have already been awarded some of these contracts

  • DHS release critical infrastructure protection plan

    DHS has releases its much anticipated critical infrastructure and IT protection plan

  • CSC wins contract extensions in Australia

    CSC wins extensions on key Australian critical infracture projects which may total to be more than $80 million