Is Your Cybersecurity Strategy Undermined by These Six Common Pitfalls?
Many security specialists harbor misconceptions about lay users of information technology, and these misconceptions can increase an organization’s risk of cybersecurity breaches. These issues include ineffective communications to lay users and inadequately incorporating user feedback on security system usability.
Perfectly Secure Digital Communications
Researchers have achieved a breakthrough in secure communications by developing an algorithm that conceals sensitive information so effectively that it is impossible to detect that anything has been hidden.
Expanding the AI Toolbox of Cybersecurity Defenders
Scientists have taken a key step toward harnessing a form of artificial intelligence known as deep reinforcement learning, or DRL, to protect computer networks. DRL shows the promise of an autonomous AI in proactive cyber defense.
U.S. Unveils Aggressive National Cybersecurity Strategy
The Biden administration is pushing for more comprehensive federal regulations to keep the online realm safer against hackers, including by shifting cybersecurity responsibilities away from consumers to industry and treating ransomware attacks as national security threats.
How One of the World's Most Popular Open-Source Security Monitoring Platforms Was Developed
A tool from the internet’s early days keeps Microsoft’s users secure while supporting the open-source paradigm.
Is China’s Huawei a Threat to U.S. National Security?
The Chinese telecommunications company, a world leader in 5G technology and smartphones, faces accusations that the Chinese intelligence services can use – and have used — its 5G infrastructure for espionage. The U.S. and other Western countries have effectively banned Huawei from building their 5G networks, but it remains popular in low-income countries. The outcome of the struggle could shape the world’s tech landscape for years to come.
Grant to Support High-Potential Computer Science Students
The University of Texas at El Paso received a $5 million grant from the National Science Foundation (NSF) to provide financial support and professional development experiences to talented students in the field of computer science.
$4.8M to Address National Cybersecurity Workforce Shortage
Oregon State University has received $4.8 million from the National Science Foundation to help the United States close a big gap between the number of cybersecurity job openings and the number of qualified applicants for those positions.
Nextgen Cybersecurity: A 5G-Enabled AI-Based Malware Classification System
Researchers develop a 5G-enabled deep learning approach for classifying malware attacks on the Industrial Internet of Things.
Cybersecurity Professionals May Be Burning Out at a Faster Rate Than Frontline Health Care
More attention should be paid to the fast rate of burn-out among cybersecurity professionals. Hundreds of thousands of cybersecurity jobs are vacant owing to lack of cybersecurity talent – and that number is growing, among other things, by thousands of cybersecurity professionals who leave the field after a few short years.
DHS Unveils New Cybersecurity Performance Goals for Critical Infrastructure
DHS released the Cybersecurity Performance Goals (CPGs), voluntary practices that outline the highest-priority baseline measures businesses and critical infrastructure owners of all sizes can take to protect themselves against cyber threats.
Ensuring Our Workforce Is Cyber Ready
Remaining vigilant and prepared to protect our nation’s cybersecurity is one of DHS S&T’s highest priorities. To meet this goal, S&T is harnessing the intellectual power of America’s universities and leveraging some of the best and brightest subject matter experts and academic minds via S&T Centers of Excellence (COE).
NYU to Create Comprehensive Cybersecurity and Resiliency Program
The quantity, velocity and variety of cybersecurity attacks worldwide reflect the proliferation of connected devices, advances in extended reality systems, AI, telecommunications, and global supply chains powered by the Internet. At the same time, there is a shortfall of cybersecurity and resiliency experts with real-world training and immersion in cutting-edge research and technology to face these challenges.
What Would It Take to Survive an EMP Attack?
We are increasingly vulnerable to both natural disruptions and military attacks on our power grids. An electromagnetic pulse impulses (EMPs) would destroy your electronics, leaving you and your surroundings intact — but without easy means of survival. Remember, almost all conventional power sources and the entire internet would be knocked out and might take many months to replace.
Protecting National Public Warning System from EMPs
DHS released a report of operational approaches to protect the National Public Warning System from an electromagnetic pulse (EMP). The report summarizes recommendations that federal, state, local agencies, and private sector critical infrastructure owners and operators can employ to protect against the effects of an EMP event.