Critics charge new trade deals neglect food safety
Globalization critics charge that the Bush administration may be jeopardizing consumers as it presses Congress to approve free-trade agreements with countries with dubious food-safety records
Five states make the finalist list for national biolab
And the winner is: DHS is searching for a site for its $450 million national bio lab to replace the aging Plum Island, New York facility; five states make the finalist list
Congress blocks FDA's plans to close field labs
As worries about food safety in the U.S. mount, Congress steps in to prevent FDA from closing field labs; agency says closing labs as part of a modernization plan
U.S. to examine ways better to monitor imports from China
Stories about contaminated and defective imports from China abound, and the administration is studying ways to keep such imports safe
USDA evaluates zNose for detecting contraband food products
The current inspection systems for contraband food products has come under criticism; USDA augments inspection by testing zNose
Kansas State University wants to house high-level biolab
Thde city of Dunn, Wisconsin, is relieved to be taken off the list for future high-security biolabs; the debate in Manhattan Kansas, begins
Biolab bid loser U Missouri supports Kansas State
University of Missouri-Columbia failed to make the finalists list for the national biolab; it joins a consortium of university and business interests pulling for the lab to be built at Kansas State University
Joint Kentucky-Tennessee bid for biolab fails
Kentucky and Tennnessee had an idea: Why not bid jointly for DHS’s biolab? The scattered nature of the proposed research facilities, however, and lack of workers with experience in high-security doomed the effort
Private sector can deal with Chinese product safety problems
The list of unsafe and tainted Chinese prodcuts is long and worrisome; Congress is considering protectionist measures in response; WSJ says private sector can deal with the problem
Bird flu pandemic plans lacking in U.S.
Experts worry that the U.S. public, and managers of companies, have become complacent about the risks of avian flu and its economic reprcussions
The number of accidental infection at biolabs grows
There are now 20,000 people at 400 sites around the United States working with bioweapons germs; the number of accidental infections grows
One-fifth of Chinese products are substandard
Chinese government inspectors report that nearly one-fifth of the products they examined — including food products — were substandard.
Multivalent vaccine botulinum toxin shows promise
Bolulinum toxin is an extremely strong neurotoxin that causes fatal paralysis in its victims; Florida company reports initial success of its multivalent vaccine
Missouri's cattlemen's group opposes BioDefense lab
Major agricutlrual associations in Missouri split over merit, risks of building national bio- and agro-defense lab in the state
France, Germany raise bird flu threat level
In Germany, wild birds are found dead in Thuringia, Saxony, and Bavaria; in France, three dead swans found in Moselle; both countries raise bird flu alert levels
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The long view
Mathematical Models Tackle Covid Infection Dynamics
Even years after the emergence of the COVID-19 global pandemic, the workings of SARS-CoV-2 infection inside the human body, including the early activity of the virus and the role of the body’s immune response, has proved difficult to precisely ascertain.