E. coli outbreak renews skirmishes along old war front
The recent E. coli outbreak renewed the fighting between supporters of the chemical fertilizer industry and advocates of organic farming; the former point to the outbreak as proof of the dangers inherent in relying on manure as fertilizer; the latter said that if manure is the culprit, then it is because of the rapid growth of animal feedlots which generate huge quantities of tainted manure — and that tainted manure is the result of feeding feedlot cattle grain, instead of their natural food — pasture grass; the digestive system and acid balance of ruminants evolved over thousands of years to break down grass, not high-production, refined rations; organic livestock, raised on pasture, have a healthy digestive system which kills the E. coli 0157 pathogen
Livermore Lab develops new pathogen detection system; seeks partners to commercialize
Scientists at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory develop an autonomous pathogen detection system which boasts many advantages over existing products; the lab is now seeking industrial partners to commercialize the invention
Universal flu vaccination could spur anti-bird flu efforts
Studies find flu vaccines are not as effective as once believed; no effect on death rates among elderly; universal vaccination closes the gap by stopping transmission from the young; building up laboratory infrastructure now could pay dividends in the future
Tularemia detected in St. Louis
DHS’s BioWatch sensors identified the rabbit fever near Busch Stadium; officials discount terrorism; tulermia common in Missouri in the summer and fall; though outbreak was benign, BioWatch proves its mettle
SIGA Technologies announces small pox drug breakthrough
Not a vaccine, the company’s once a day, orally administered treatment succesfully stops a smallpox infection after exposure; an excited NIH provides $16.5 million for further development
The Volunteers launch center to train farmers and food producers to guard against terrorism
As the fear of agroterrorism grows, DHS and other U.S. government agencies fund a University of Tennessee center to educate farmers and communities on how to prepare for and cope with terrorism against the U.S. food supply
New record-keeping requirements coming for beef product users
Starting 9 January 2007, food processors and cosmetic manufacturers will have to document that they do not use prohibited beef products such as the small intestine, brain, and spinal cord; new rules a response to mad cow fears; specific documentation practices to be announced soon
Canada reports botulism cases connected to carrot juice
Food Inspection Agency joins FDA in warning against Bugs Bunny’s favorite drink; a sad story, but an opportunity to take a second look at two companies trying to help stop outbreaks; focus on anthrax makes botulism poisoning a low priority for federal planners
USDA researchers develop nee methods for detecting listeria
USDA scientists develop a new method to detect L. monocytogenes infection; it is a good thing, too, as the disease kills about 500 people and disables 2,500 every year in the U.S. alone
New biosecurity encyclopedia available
Irish research group offers a comprehensive encyclopedia with valuable information about all aspects of bioterrorism and biodefense; you may want to keep it on your desk
Purdue researchers attack food contamination with lasers and gas
University quickly establishes itself as a go-to center for homeland security technology; Bacteria Rapid Detection Using Optical Scattering Technology can identify bacteria by its scatter pattern; investors show early interest in a chlorine gas approach to produce contamination
Blood transfusions may serve as stop-gap during flu epidemics
Therapy from the 1918 Spanish flu outbreak is reconsidered as health officials worry about vaccine supplies; recovering patients could transfer antibodies to the sick; studies will continue to test applicability to avian flu
Public health scientists lobby to put children at the head of innoculation line
Officials have long struggled with whether to give vaccines first to the elderly or to infants; new study finds the best way to break chains of transmission is to focus on school-aged children instead
Nanotechnology proves an effective barrier against anthrax infection
Clemson University chemist uses carbon nanotubes to attract anthrax spores; once bound, particles are too large to lodge in the lungs; aerosol spray, gel, and foam are likely commercial applications
Patent awarded for cell phone-mounted airborne particle detector
Bio and chemical terrorism detection one possible application; allergy suffers will benefit from pollen alerts
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The long view
Mathematical Models Tackle Covid Infection Dynamics
Even years after the emergence of the COVID-19 global pandemic, the workings of SARS-CoV-2 infection inside the human body, including the early activity of the virus and the role of the body’s immune response, has proved difficult to precisely ascertain.