VaxGen on the brink after FDA puts a clinical hold on anthrax vaccine
Concerned about stability, FDA tells VaxGen to hold off on phase 2 testing; Health and Human Services looks ready to terminate $877 million contract; with $50 million in cash on hand but no revenue stream, company stock plunges in Friday trading
Cornell scientists fight back against Hendra and Nipah viruses
Emerging technique inhibits the zoonotic viruses from binding to human cells; both Hendra and Nipah are seen as potential bioweapons
CA spinach and lettuce industry volunteers itself for regulatory oversight
Worried about flagging consumer confidence, the Western Growers Association asks state health officials to pass tougher food safety rules; proposed penalties could include injunctions against sale and criminal prosecution
WHO challenges China over new bird flu strain
Government denies emergence of new strain, but WHO and other authorities disagree; information sharing at issue; WHO hopes China will soon agree to upload gene sequences to a public data base
Salmonella outbreak prompts a review of detection and food safety products
We take a look back on our reporting for the year and offer readers a close look at some innovative approaches; Warnex receives CDC approval for detection system; Department of Agriculture steps up inspection and reporting regimes; Alto-Shaam offers food monitoring technology
Expert says surgical masks a simple but effective pandemic response
As compared to respirators, citizens find surgical masks comfortable and would therefor be more likely to use them; aerosol transmission the leading cause of infection; price is 10 cents per unit, but enterprising firms should note that U.S. demand alone could reach 20 billion
Achaogen announces $24.7 million DTRA deal to combat anthrax and plague
Four-year deal with Defense Threat Reduction Agency will focus on inhibiting antibiotic-resistant strains; once weakened, bacteria are vulnerable to fluoroquinolones and other antibacterial drugs; deal comes in the wake of a succesfully completed Series B funding round
Listening in on bacteria “conversations” help in efforts to keep deadly infections in check
There may be a debate about the legality of eavesdropping by the NSA on U.S. phone conversation, but few would question listening in on conversations among bacteria – conversations carried out by chemical signals bacteria use to communicate with each other – because these conversations give us knowledge on how to block deadly infections
Judge allows Boston biosafety lab to continue construction
Level 4 facility will study deadly microbes such as ebola and anthrax, and so local residents are reasonably nervous; court allows NIH-sponsored program to continue while environmental and public health concerns are reevaluated; possibility left open for a future injunction
Biowarfare threat a business opportunity for laboratory industry
Planned expansion of secure bioweapons labs creates a demand for equipment; water testing devices a critical need; automated cyanide analyzers, total organic content, and purge-and-trap sample concentrators among other specialized tools
PharmAthene and Medarex receive DoD grant for anthrax treatment
Unlike antibiotics, the companies’ monoclonal antibody approach should be effective days after exposure; an effective attack will be surreptitious, so the need for long-term treatment is great
University of Minnesota seeks grant extension for food and bioterror efforts
National Center for Food Protection and Defense nears the end of a three year grant; center a leader in the field with innovative approaches in sensor and analytic technology, data management, and predictive software
Court delays opening of California bioterrorism defense lab, citing safety concerns
They say about some do-gooders that they love humanity — it is people they don’t like; the same with biodefense labs: Communities love the idea of more jobs, more money, and more development which these biodefense labs bring, they just don’t like the associated safety risks; in the latest case, a court puts on hold the construction of a lab at Lawrence Livermore
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The long view
Mathematical Models Tackle Covid Infection Dynamics
Even years after the emergence of the COVID-19 global pandemic, the workings of SARS-CoV-2 infection inside the human body, including the early activity of the virus and the role of the body’s immune response, has proved difficult to precisely ascertain.