TTAC awards large IT management contract to InfoZen
Maryland-based company to manage the IT systems for the Office of Transportation Threat Assessment and Credentialing
The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) has awarded Rockville, Maryland-based InfoZen, a consulting and risk assessment/management solutions provider, a contract worth up to $148 million to manage the IT systems for the Office of Transportation Threat Assessment and Credentialing (TTAC). The contract calls for InfoZen to operate and maintain the operations and computing environment, including infrastructure, internal networks, and mission applications and programs, at TTAC facilities.”
InfoZen is the developer of the RapidAdjudicator Credentialing and Risk Management Platform, an automated screening and credentialing system. TTAC is responsible for a broad range of TSA name matching programs as part of the government’s efforts to protect the U.S. transportation system against terrorism.