Unmanned ground vehicles patrol city streets

make sufficient adjustments, while under way, to reach their intended target. Guided missiles came along half a century ago and achieved the same thing in the air.

The DARPA contest has convinced developers of robotic vehicles that they have to give their creations a large amount of basic knowledge of obstacles, and how to deal with them order consistently to succeed. Until now, robotic vehicles depended on TV cameras (linked to computers that could detect traversable paths), laser rangefinders, and the like to “learn on the go.” For a robotic vehicle to succeed, though, it needs some basic knowledge of the world. There is sufficient cheap computing power available to provide that, and robotic vehicles make use this approach. This is also creating the kind of “knowledgeable robots” that have for so long been popular in Science Fiction literature.

One of the goals of all this is a robotic “infantry packbot” (a low slung vehicle that brings supplies to infantry deep in a combat zone) with a speech recognition and voice synthesizer module so that, when the troops wondered aloud who the packbot took so long to get the stuff to them, the vehicle could respond, “there was a lot of mud down the hill today and I had to go around it.” Equipping a robotic vehicle with sensors that can detect water, mud, and the depth of both, is the sort of thing a successful packbot will require to survive on a battlefield. Being able to respond to audible commands is another feature the troops have already requested for such a vehicle. So the effort is not just to build a robotic vehicle, but a robot in the classic sense. This is how much computing power is required to enable a machine to go for a cross country trip over unfamiliar terrain, and succeed. Eventually, this will lead to robotic combat vehicles. The software advances have benefited combat vehicles, more than the infantry packbot, which led to the most recent tests.

Eventually, the military still wants to create a robotic truck that can move supplies over roads, or cross country, with only a few troops supervising a dozen or more robotic vehicles. This means you need fewer troops in the combat zone, and fewer troops will become casualties.

The DARPA Challenge races have been a useful in terms of advancing the state of the art for robotic vehicles. For less than $10 million in prize money and expenses, the Department of Defense has created new technology that would have otherwise cost more than $100 million, and taken a lot longer to perfect.

The T2 vehicle used in the recent test, also benefited from the DARPA completion. The T2 vehicle weighs 620 kilograms (1,350 pounds) and has six, independently controlled, wheels. It is very agile, and has sufficient carrying capacity to handle the sensors and computers. A scaled up T2, with enough armor to make it bullet proof and able to survive nearby explosions, would enable it to survive some ambushes or light resistance. A Stryker platoon (four Strykers) could be accompanied by two or more T2s for scouting, especially in areas where there is likely to be strong resistance. Such T2s would also be equipped with speakers, enabling an interpreter in one of the Strykers to question locals. The T2 can also be operated remotely, but the new sensor system is effective enough to let the vehicle doing all the driving, with the operator just directing the vehicle in a general direction.