Advnt announces new biowarfare assay

Published 9 March 2007

After success with the BADD Box, company is the latest to jump on the all-in-one bandwagon; rapid assay can detect anthrax, ricin toxin, botulinum toxin, and others; say goodbye to cross-reactivity

The race to develop the definitive bio-warfare testing array is far from over. There is just too much money at stake. Consider, for example, Phoenix, Arizona-based Advnt Biotechnologies. The company is already well-known for its BADD (Biowarfare Agent Detection Devices) Boxes, which provides users a set of seperate field assays for ricin, anthrax, and other deadly agents. Of course, the industry is moving towards all-in-one solutions, and so the company this week announced it would follow suit with its new Pro Strips Rapid Screening System. “We appreciate how critical it is for our clients to employ devices that are accurate, fast and dependable,” said Advnt’s Dan Faubion. The company’s Pro Strips quickly detect up to five separate bio-threat agents, including anthrax, ricin toxin, botulinum toxin, Yersinia pestis, and Staphylococcal Enterotoxin B — all without any cross-reactivity to near neighbor strains or common household substances.

-read more in this company news release TK