Earmarks in the 2010 DHS budget
There were 186 earmarks the Homeland Security Appropriations bill approved by the House ten days ago; we offer a complete list of these earmarks, containing the names of the projects, how much money is involved, and the names of the lamwakers backing it; in a few days we will offer a list detailing which of these earmarks survived — and what earmarks were added during — the Senate authorization and the conference deliberations, and which were included in the $44.1 billion bill sent to President Obama on 20 October for siging
As is the case with other departmental budgets, the 2010 DHS budget contains many earmarks. Here is a list of congressional and presidential earmarks which were part of the Homeland Security Appropriations bill approved by the House ten days ago. On 20 October, the Senate, voting 79 for and 19 against, sent President Obama the conference report on a $44.1 billion DHS budget for fiscal 2010. John McCain (R-Arizona), complained that the bill contains 81 earmarks totaling over $269 million, with “no hearing was held to judge whether these were national priorities worthy of scarce taxpayers’ dollars.”
In a few days we will offer a list detailing which of the House earmarks survived — and what earmarks were added during — Senate and conference deliberations, and which were included in the bill sent to President Obama for signature.
We note that the number of earmarks — 186 in all — is not large relative to the size of the authorization bill, but there will certainly be a lot more money directed to state and local emergency operations centers and more, as FEMA and DHS distribute the many grants for which they are responsible during the year.
The list, compiled by Jamie Dupree, contains the names of the projects, how much money is involved, and the names of the lamwakers backing it.
- CG Operating Expenses Project Seahawk, SC $1,088,000 — the president
- CG Acquisition, Construction, and Improvements Shore and Operational Support projects, various locations $6,000,000 — the president
- NPPD Infrastructure Protection and Information Security National Infrastructure Simulation and Analysis Center, NM $16,000,000 — the president, Jeff Bingaman; Tom Udall
- FEMA National Domestic Preparedness Consortium:
National Energetic Materials Research and Testing Center, New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology, NM $12,875,000 — the president; Jeff Bingaman; Tom Udall - National Center for Biomedical Research and Training, Louisiana State University, LA $12,875,000 — the president; Rodney Alexander; Mary Landrieu
- National Emergency Response and Rescue Training Center, Texas A&M University, TX $12,875,000 the president — Chet Edwards; John Carter; John Cornyn; Kay Bailey Hutchison
- National Exercise, Test, and Training Center, Nevada Test Site, NV $12,875,000 — the president; Harry Reid
- FEMA Center for Domestic Preparedness, AL $62,500,000 — the president; Richard Shelby; Mike Rogers (AL)
- S&T Research Naval Postgraduate School, CA $2,000,000 — the president; Sam Farr
- S&T Research Physical Science Facility, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, WA $12,000,000 — the president; Patty Murray; Norman Dicks; Doc Hastings
- S&T Research Transportation Security Laboratory, NJ $5,000,000 —