In the trenchesInfantry now has ultra lightweight portable mine clearance system
A new mine-clearing system from light weight and portable; its cost minimized by its modular design — which means that users only need to replace consumed module such as the rocket delivery unit rather than the entire system Chemring Defense has unveiled SLICE (Scaleable Lightweight Infantry Clearance System), a new, ultra lightweight, portable mine clearance system. SLICE is a light-weight rocket launched explosive line charge system designed for rapid deployment to clear a path through a mine or IED threat environment. The company says that SLICE’s modular design provides flexibility for load sharing across a dismounted team providing an infantry section with a self-sufficient capability for assault or extraction in a high threat environment.
The Engineer reports that SLICE has undergone a rapid development program by Chemring Defense to meet requirements based on feedback from theatre and is expected to enter service by the end of 2011. It is the latest Clearance Systems product from Chemring Defense and follows on from the success of its Light, Heavy and Training - Portable Explosive Minefield Breaching System (PEMBS).
The modular nature of SLICE allows the user to select 20m, 30m, 40m, 50m, or 60m deployment lengths, thus increasing the options for use, particularly in confined urban environments. Cost of is also minimized by the modular design, which means that users only need to replace consumed module such as the rocket delivery unit rather than the entire system.
“SLICE has achieved a major step change in portable mine clearance systems in terms of speed of deployment and its lightweight, modular design. It has received very positive initial feedback and Chemring Defense is committed to ensuring its successful service entry “, commented Steve Blades, Sales & Marketing Director, Chemring Defence.