Aurora Flight Sciences to test new Goldeneye 80 UAV
Federal government hopes for success in effort to encourage UAVs to run on standard diesel fuel; procurement efficiency at issue; Goldeneye 80 goes up against Honeywell UAV for DARPA funding, and both move forward into Phase 3 testing; winning UAV will support small units on tactical missions
New catadioptric lens a major improvement on the fisheye
Old, distortion-prone lenses to sleep with the fishes; Korean researcher the first to create a commercially-viable wide-angle system using both a catopric and dioptic lens; indoor surveillance prime market
Oxford City outfits housing employees with tracking and recording badges
New technology allows rent collectors to quietly raise the alarm during a confrontation; push a button and an open channel is created; conversations are recorded for legal purposes; Connexion2, Vodafone, and Identicom provide the technology
IBM gives Cook County a boost with cruiser-linked infrastructure surveillance
Cameras from Panasonic and Pelco are wirelessly connected to in-car screens and DVRs; Project Shield aims to protect 126 sites at a cost of only $900,000
IBM considers snatching up Verint
Moving into the analytics market, IBM eyes a nice prize; Verint has strong software, but Comverse’s ownership is depressing stock price
UK Ministry of Defense launches urban warfare technology contest
The MoD Challenge asks professionals and tinkerers alike to help improve communications and intelligence for British soldiers fighting in city environments; winner will receive an MoD contract; draft requirements now available on the Web
OASIS to promote standardized semantic search and content analytics
Semantic searches and contents analytics have become more popular — and necessary — as communcation through the Internet, e-mail, cellular phones, but also by audio and video means, has grown exponentially; OASIS steps in to establish standards in such searches
Daryl Gates to be appointed president of Global ePoint
Company, a manufacturer of digital surveillance and detection solutions, chooses the fomer LAPD chief as its new head
Smarter Security Systems launches new outdoor DVR line
Temperature-hardened and weatherproof SmarterDVRs are designed for remote, outdoor use in such rugged locales as oil fields — and even underwater; system sports motion-based recording and internet connectivity; lower power consumption a critical feature
ioimage's intelligent video appliance selected for NY-NJ airport security overhaul
With Raytheon as lead contractor, subcontractor 4D Security Solutions selects the Israeli company to install its plug and play appliances; perimeter security a challenge when airports are bounded by the sea; ioimage appliances convert analog to digital IP, and offer PTZ tracking and automatic threat detection
Petards wins $2 million casino surveillance contract
Known for protecting the Sydney Opera House, company enhances its gaming portfolio with a deal to install its UVMS network video recording system in two Oklahoma casinos; managing large amounts of video a distinct challenge, as is developing a useful GUI
Sensor fusion conference comes to Washington
Sponsored by Objectivity, conference will focus on advancing sensor fusion concepts, bandwidth challenges in a net-centric environment, and advancing state-of-the-art sensor fusion automation
Dynapel branches out into aviation security
Best known for surveillance products, company hopes to leverage core strengths in the small and mid-sized airport market; flagship CloseView cameras automatically generate close-in views of faces and license plates whenever suspicious activity is detected
Global General Technologies to buy AirSpeak
AirSpeak’s FLAIR mobile tablet will provide GGT customers with a remote way to control permiter surveillance systems
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The long view
Backgrounder: Drone Operations in the U.S.
More than 1.7 million drones are registered for commercial and recreational use in the United States, and it is safe to assume that there are many additional unregistered drones out there.