Applied's new HiPOx Plus system for water purification

Published 27 February 2006

Did you know that there is such a thing as Taste & Odor (T&O) sector? Yes, there is, but not in the cuisine or perfume industries, but in water purification. Pleasant Hill, California-based Applied Process Technology, a developer of treatment solutions, is showing its HiPOx Plus, a waste-free advanced oxidation process (AOP) which allow one system to tackle several water purification and quality missions. The HiPOx Plus system operated in an AOP mode destroys geosmin and MIB, which represent about 90 percent of taste and odor contaminants in drinking water. HiPOx Plus also controls the formation of bromate, thus meeting the standards set by the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Stage 2 Disinfection Byproducts Rule.

The HiPOx Plus system combines ozone and hydrogen peroxide to form hydroxyl radicals, aggressive oxidants which react chemically with taste and odor compounds. During treatment, contaminants are converted into benign carbon dioxide and water. The carbon dioxide is vented off, while the cleansed water is discharged free of unwanted contaminants. HiPOx Plus simultaneously also removes a range of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and microcontaminants as well. An added benefit is that HiPOx Plus’s reactor design allows it to be operated not only in an AOP mode, but also as an effective ozone contractor, or to alternate between these two modes.

Applied treatment solutions are used in drinking water, environmental remediation, industrial process water, wastewater, and homeland security markets.

-read more about HiPOx at company Web site