CryptoMetrics releases latest version of FingerSURE

Published 9 February 2006

A sound marketing strategy is to marry innovative technology to off-the shelf products with which customers are familiar, and this new finger-print authenticator does just that

The best market approach is to integrate innovative technologies with off-the shelf products. This is what Tuckahoe, New York-based CryptoMetrics, a provider of facial recognition and fingerprint biometric solutions, has done with its newly released FingerSURE line of fingerprint biometric authentication products. FingerSURE uses Microsoft Active Directory “to irrefutably validate” (a bit of a sweeping claim, and we are not even complaining about the split infinitive) identity while connecting to the corporate network by using their fingerprint. The company is correct to note that FingerSURE’s integration within the Microsoft Management Console (MMC) provides enterprise administrators a common and familiar administration tool for the management of the FingerSURE solution.

The system uses public-key-infrastructure (PKI) technology for secure transfer and storage of sensitive information, data, and user credentials over Microsoft Windows 2000, XP, XP Pro workstations, applications, and resources.

-read more about FingerSURE at company Web site