DHS announces grant applications

Published 17 December 2008

DHS began to distribute applications for state agencies in two categories: $48.6 million for the implementation of the Real ID Act, and $34 million for emergency operations centers

DHS yesterday began to distribute applications for grants to state agencies totaling $48.6 million for Real ID projects and $34 million for emergency operations centers. Under the Driver’s License Security Grant Program, state agencies are eligible to receive funding for projects to advance the goals of the Real ID Act of 2005. The funding amounts have been set by a formula based on population. Applications are due by 27 February 2009. Congress passed the counterterrorism law to require states to adopt federal standards for collecting, verifying, and sharing drivers’ personal information.

Applications are also available for $34 million under the Emergency Operations Centers Grant Program to support “flexible, sustainable, secure and interoperable” emergency operations centers, DHS said. State agencies may request up to $1 million for new construction or $250,000 for renovations. Approximately $22 million will be distributed by formula and the remaining $12 million will be allocated competitively, DHS said.