Transportation caucusCongressional transportation security caucus formed

Published 9 December 2011

On Thursday members of the House Homeland Security Committee announced that they were starting a “Transportation Security Caucus”


On Thursday members of the House Homeland Security Committee announced that they were starting a “Transportation Security Caucus.”

Representatives Pete King (R – New York), the chair of the House Homeland Security Committee, and Mike Rogers (R – Alabama) said they hope the new caucus will attract lawmakers “dedicated to issues related to the security of aviation, passenger rail, freight rail, pipelines, buses, public transit systems, commercial trucking, and other transportation systems in the U.S.”

In a joint statement, the two lawmakers said the new caucus fills a critical need on the Hill.
“More than 10 years after 9/11, the threat of a terrorist attack on our transportation systems is still very real, and there remains much work to be done to secure this vital sector,” King and Rogers said.

Rogers, the chair of the Transportation Security Subcommittee, added, “This caucus will provide an important forum for members to become more informed on the issues our nation faces in better securing our transportation systems, which is essential for protecting American lives.”

According to Rogers, the new caucus will focus particularly on the Transportation Security Administration which he called “a bloated, inefficient bureaucracy in need of reform.” 
“This necessary reform will certainly be one of the major topics of discussion within the caucus, as well as how we can promote technology innovation to assist private sector job creation and strengthen privacy protections for travelers,” he said.