ISISISIS instructs Western followers on how to avoid detection by police

Published 11 January 2016

ISIS is a sophisticated terrorist organization, as its savvy use of social media shows. Its sophistication shows in other ways as well: It has issued instructions to its followers in the West, who are plotting terrorist attacks against Western targets, advising them how to avoid detection by intelligence and law enforcement agencies.

ISIS instructs followers in remaining undetected // Source:

ISIS is a sophisticated terrorist organization, as its savvy use of social media shows. Its sophistication shows in other ways as well: It has issued instructions to its followers in the West, who are plotting terrorist attacks against Western targets, advising them how to avoid detection by intelligence and law enforcement agencies. The Independent reports that the 58-page English-language ISIS manual, published online, advises followers of the Islamist organization to trim their beards so they look fashionable rather than a sign of religiosity, wear Western-style aftershave and deodorant, and even pretend to be Christians by wearing cross necklaces.

The document, titled “Safety and Security Guidelines for Lone Wolf Mujahideen,” explains how Islamist militants can avoid being spotted or having the plot they are working on thwarted by Western security officials, and also suggests potential targets to attack.

No doubt that today, at the era of the lone wolves, brothers in the West need to know some important things about safety in order to ensure success in their operations,” the manual’s introduction reads.

We thought a lot of non-Arabic speaking brothers would find it interesting and may apply it in their blessed operations,” it adds.

The guide, for example, highlights the “potential” – from the terrorists’ point of view — of attacking nightclubs because the loud music would initially mask the sound of the terrorists’ firearms, and the typical small number of exits could trap the club goers and cause additional panic.

The guide explains to Muslims who were not born in a Western country how they can avoid simpe mistake which may lead to law enforcement agencies spotting and arresting them.

If you can avoid having a beard, wearing qamis [Islamic tunics], using miswak [teeth cleaning twigs] and having a booklet of dhikr [prayers and devotional acts] with you, it’s better. It is permissible for you to wear a necklace showing a Christian cross,” the document explains.

As you know, Christians — or even atheist Westerners with Christian background — wear crosses on their necklaces. But don’t wear a cross necklace if you have a Muslim name on your passport, as that may look strange,” the guide adds.

The Independent notes that the instructions manual is the latest example of ISIS’ English-language propaganda. The organization has released dozens of online documents, instructing its followers on everything from how to build a bomb factory to how to cross into Syria via Turkey without being caught.