CrimeGermany: Rise in crimes committed by foreigners -- and in crimes by right-wing extremists

Published 27 April 2017

Earlier this week Germany’s Interior Ministry released the 2016 police crime statistics, including statistics of politically motivated crime. Compared to 2015, the number is up by 6.6 percent and has reached a new high. The main factor is the soaring number of politically motivated crimes by foreigners, which has risen by 66.5 percent to a total of 3,372 offenses. The backlash against the large number of migrants allowed into Germany in 2015 and 2016 manifests itself in crime statistics as well: While the number violent offenses motivated by left-wing extremism fell by 24.2 percent, the number of violent offences committed by right-wing extremists rose by 14.3 percent.

Marchers provide a less-violent voice than right-wing extremists // Source:

Earlier this week Germany’s Interior Ministry released the 2016 police crime statistics, including statistics of politically motivated crime. The Ministry says that as in previous years, the total number of criminal offenses reported to the police is above six million and thus remains at a relatively high level.

This number also includes violations of the Foreigners Law, such as illegal entry into the country or other violations of the asylum and residence law, which may be committed only by foreigners. Owing to the great influx of refugees, this number has soared.

If these types of offenses are not counted, a slight decrease in the number of criminal offences by 0.7 percent can be observed compared to 2015. The average number of criminal offences per 100,000 inhabitants is down by 1.9 percent to 7,161 cases. This offense rate is indicative for the threat posed by crime.

Moreover, the percentage of cleared-up cases or clear-up rate, has reached a five-year high at 54 percent.

Fewer burglaries
The Interior Ministry says that particularly pleasing is the decline in the number of shopliftings and home break-ins. After the number of home break-ins had risen continuously in the last years, 2016 saw a decrease by 9.5 percent.

In the view of the Federal Minister of the Interior, this development shows that the various measures taken to fight home break-ins are effective. Such measures include:

• more intensive law enforcement;
• closer cooperation at European level; and
• enhanced prevention, such as financial incentives to install security technology.

More violent offenses
A growing cause for concern is the rise in violent crime, Interior Minister Thomas de Maizière said. This includes murder and voluntary manslaughter, rape, robbery, and the causing of dangerous and of severe bodily harm. Compared to 2015, the number of criminal offences in this category rose by 6.7 percent.

There was also an increase, by 8.1 percent, in the number of cases in which bodily harm was caused. de Maizière commented: “We still live in a safe country, but we have to and we will take all necessary efforts to make sure that it stays that way.”

More politically motivated offenses
The Ministry says that the development of politically motivated offenses has to be taken seriously. Compared to 2015, the number is up by 6.6 percent and has reached a new high.

The main factor is the soaring number of politically motivated crimes by foreigners, which has risen by 66.5 percent to a total of 3,372 offenses. These include Islamist-motivated acts of terrorism and criminal offenses associated with the conflict between Turkey and the PKK, which together count for almost 45 percent of all criminal offenses in this category.

The number of criminal offenses committed for left- or right-wing motives has remained at the same level. There are significant differences, however, with regard to violent offenses. While the number violent offenses motivated by left-wing extremism fell by 24.2 percent, the number of violent offences committed by right-wing extremists rose by 14.3 percent.

The fact that people who have fled their homes because of terror and war remain the focus of right-wing extremist violence is shocking, the minister said. However, it is a comfort to know that at least the number of attacks against refugee shelters has dropped significantly in the course of 2016, the minister added.